"The promised land" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase "la terra promessa."
Specifically, the feminine singular definite article "la" means "the." The feminine noun "terra" means "earth, land." The feminine adjective "promessa" means "promised."
The pronunciation is "lah TEHR-rah proh-MEHS-sah."
"The promise" is one English equivalent of the Italian phrase La promessa.
Specifically, the feminine singular definite article la means "the". The feminine noun promessa translates as "promise". The pronunciation will be "lah proh-MEHS-sah" in Italian.
The cast of A promessa de Geronimo - 2011 includes: Carlos
Henrique Garcia as Diego Karen Junqueira as Raquel Nill Marcondes
Antonio Pitanga as Gernimo Hugo Resende as Xavier Adriano Saboya as
The cast of A Promessa - 1973 includes: Agostinho Alves as
Father Couto Maria as Joaquina Fernanda Coimbra as Gypsy Grece de
Castro as Grandmother Sinde Filipe as Labareda Fernando Loureiro as
Gypsy Guida Maria as Maria do Mar
"La terra promessa" is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the promised land."
Specifically, the feminine singular definite article "la" means "the." The feminine noun "terra" means "land." The feminine adjective "promessa" means "promised."
The pronunciation is "lah TEHR-rah proh-MEHS-sah."
"Que si ni te pela" is a colloquial Mexican expression that roughly translates to "doesn't even pay attention to you" or "doesn't even acknowledge you." It implies that someone is ignoring or dismissing another person.
Alguns países africanos colonizados pela Inglaterra incluem: Gana, Quênia, Nigéria, África do Sul, Uganda, Zâmbia, Zimbábue e outros. A presença britânica nessas regiões influenciou profundamente suas culturas, política e economia.
"Through the house" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase pela casa. The preposition with feminine singular definite article and noun model a more formal, old-fashioned, poetic way of saying per la casa. The pronunciation will be "PEY-la KA-sa" in Italian.