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Provision for income tax refers to the line item in the profit and loss statement. Income tax is a broad term and could mean current taxes (taxes actually payable to Government), Tax expenses/provision for tax- taxes reported in the P&L or deferred taxes (difference between current taxes and tax expense).

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Provision for income tax refers to the line item in the profit and loss statement. Income tax is a broad term and could mean current taxes (taxes actually payable to Government), Tax expenses/provision for tax- taxes reported in the P&L or deferred taxes (difference between current taxes and tax expense).

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Estimation of the taxes for the current year

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You will need two accounts:

Income tax expenses (an expense account, obviously)

Provision for income tax (a liability account)

You will simply:

debit provision for income tax

credit income tax expenses

When actually paying income tax, you will:

debit cash

credit provision for income tax

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In the US, there is no special tax provision for toddlers. If the toddler is your dependent, you can include him/her as such.

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All interest income for the year is added to all of your other gross worldwide income for the year and reported on your 1040 income tax return for the year.

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