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in relation to other foods raw meat should be stored in which position

2 answers

Yes they do eat raw meat. Eskimo mean "Raw Meat Eaters"

1 answer

Actually the dogs eat meats such as raw beef, raw bear meat, raw rat meat, and raw beast meat

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Yes, raw meat over raw meat it OK.

1 answer

There is no past tense of raw. Raw is an adjective or adverb in certain contexts. Let's say, "The raw meat tasted disgusting". Raw is describing 'meat' making it an adjective. "The meat became raw after being left out". Raw is describing what the meat became. Only verbs have past tenses.

3 answers

Cooked meat should be stored away from raw meat. If stored in the same fridge, have the cooked meat on a shelf about the raw meat. This is to prevent juices and blood from dripping onto cooked meat should the raw meat be on a higher shelf.

1 answer

First of all, werewolves do not exist and if they did raw meat is their dietary supplement so, in conclusion raw meat does not make them sick.

1 answer

It is safer to avoid eating raw meat because of the simple fact that raw meat like chicken, bacon, or beef might contain diseases.

1 answer

Fear of meat.

2 answers

Yes, raw meat.

1 answer

No, it is not safe to leave raw meat out overnight as it can lead to bacterial growth and foodborne illness. It is recommended to refrigerate or freeze raw meat promptly after purchase.

1 answer

you can get salmonella (do you mean raw meat?)

1 answer

No, consuming raw meat can lead to sickness. Meat has to be cooked to get rid of the bacteria on it or in it. Raw food diets include veggies and fruits. Raw food diets are mostly vegetarian diets.

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the raw material is raw meat from a cow.

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Stores should not be allowing consumers to touch unpackaged raw meat. Not only could the consumers spread the bacteria from the raw meat, but they could be adding other microbes or contaminants to the meat.

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Some meat can and is eaten raw by some people, but there is always the risk of parasites being in the meat and then getting into people.

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Most animals eat raw meat where as we eat cooked meat the raw meat is tougher. And some animals chew on bones.

1 answer

No they can't; raw meat has too much fat and will quickly kill your plant.

1 answer

It is not safe to leave raw meat out overnight as it can lead to bacterial growth and foodborne illness.

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Cooking meat kills "germs."

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Yes. Raw meat, bones, and organs are the best diet for a ferret. They are obligate carnivores and their digestive system can only digest meat.

1 answer

Eating raw meat is important for them because cooking the meat destroys vitamin C which is essential for life, it prevents scurvy.

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The cast of Raw Meat - 2010 includes: Allison Bartlett Heather Rice

1 answer

in relation to other foods raw meat should be stored in which position

1 answer

Unless you are planning on cooking it, i wouldn't feed a dog raw meat.

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I would not recommend eating any raw meat. Meat that have been dried (bilton) or smoked would be safer to eat than raw meat - though it is all a matter of taste..

1 answer

Rats can and will eat raw meat when it is available to them.

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The human digestive system can digest raw meat, but you have will get E coli and you will die from it if you have too much.

If the meat is totally raw you will die, if its under-cooked you have a high chance of dying

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they hadn't learned how to make fire? where did you read about people who ate raw meat? in some cultures today, people eat raw meat.

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No, raw meat is much healthier than cooked-meats and also contains much higher levels of nutrients.

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If you eat raw crab meat you will most likely get sick

3 answers

In the 1600's, the Italian scientist Francisco Redi performed experiments that showed that flies did not spontaneously generate from raw meat.

1 answer

I would not think that many people like raw meat...Except maybe for Eskimos...Meat eaten raw is rather dangerous too, because there is a lot bacteria in it...And besides meat tastes a whole lot better when cooked with different spices.

1 answer

Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms. Salmonella needs raw or uncooked meat to survive and multiply organisms.

3 answers

It is weighed raw. In other cases, restaurants don't feed us raw meat. Humans are different from wild animals.

2 answers

No, it is not safe to place cooked food to place where previously raw meat was placed in condition if the place is not washed clean because the germs present in raw meat can contaminate to cooked food too like bacillus anthracis

2 answers

it is raw cow meat.

1 answer

You will get worms

1 answer

its eats raw meat.

1 answer