There is no past tense of raw. Raw is an adjective or adverb in certain contexts. Let's say, "The raw meat tasted disgusting". Raw is describing 'meat' making it an adjective. "The meat became raw after being left out". Raw is describing what the meat became. Only verbs have past tenses.
Cooked meat should be stored away from raw meat. If stored in
the same fridge, have the cooked meat on a shelf about the raw
meat. This is to prevent juices and blood from dripping onto cooked
meat should the raw meat be on a higher shelf.
No, it is not safe to leave raw meat out overnight as it can lead to bacterial growth and foodborne illness. It is recommended to refrigerate or freeze raw meat promptly after purchase.
No, consuming raw meat can lead to sickness. Meat has to be
cooked to get rid of the bacteria on it or in it. Raw food diets
include veggies and fruits. Raw food diets are mostly vegetarian
Stores should not be allowing consumers to touch unpackaged raw
meat. Not only could the consumers spread the bacteria from the raw
meat, but they could be adding other microbes or contaminants to
the meat.
I would not recommend eating any raw meat. Meat that have been
dried (bilton) or smoked would be safer to eat than raw meat -
though it is all a matter of taste..
I would not think that many people like raw meat...Except maybe
for Eskimos...Meat eaten raw is rather dangerous too, because there
is a lot bacteria in it...And besides meat tastes a whole lot
better when cooked with different spices.
No, it is not safe to place cooked food to place where previously raw meat was placed in condition if the place is not washed clean because the germs present in raw meat can contaminate to cooked food too like bacillus anthracis