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Reba McIntire

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Reba McIntire

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With any hair dye, you've got to remember that the end result is dependent on your base hair color - don't assume that the you'll always end up with that amazing shade modeled on the box. It's all very well smothering your hair in fantastically bright red hair dye, but if it's applied on top of your very dark hair, the results won't be anywhere near as striking as you might hope. If you're feeling adventurous and want to choose a vibrant, bright red shade but have brunette hair, you will need to lighten your hair first.

Bear in mind that lightening hair will always create some damage by the very nature of the process, so be prepared to lavish your newly red locks with some good quality conditioner. If you want dramatic red results, but just haven't got the patience for a two-step process (and who could blame you, I always found upkeep of my red hair a real pain) L'oreal sell a type of dye called Majicontrast that's a high lift tint containing peroxide - you can use it to lighten and dye your darker hair bright red in one step, so no fussing about with bleach beforehand.

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Most people don't like red. But i have red hair and i love it...

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Pubic hair tends to be a bit darker than the hair on your head. And yes, people with red head hair usually have red pubic hair.

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