Reforma was created in 1993.
1 answer
Reforma AC was created in 1894.
Grupo Reforma was created in 1922.
Reforma de Pineda's population is 2,691.
The area of Reforma de Pineda is 193.92 square kilometers.
The population of Mineral de la Reforma is 68,704.
Mixistlán de la Reforma's population is 2,438.
Frente Unido de Reforma Agraria was created in 1972.
The area of Mixistlán de la Reforma is 191.4 square kilometers.
The area of Mineral de la Reforma is 106 square kilometers.
The cast of Reforma 18 - 2009 includes: Salvador Corro as himself
enmienda, reforma
The population density of Mineral de la Reforma is 648 people per square kilometer.
The cast of Reforma fiscal en videocaset - 1988 includes: Guillermo Martagon
la reforma
The country code and area code of Amuco De La Reforma, Mexico is 52, (01)767.
adrian josh reforma
November 1993 was the first date that the Reforma newspaper was published in Mexico City. It can trace its origins back to 1938, however, being an offshoot of the paper El Norte.
it is in mexico city
German Ivanovich Mantsurov has written:
'Ekonomicheskaya reforma i proizvodstvennye ob\\'
V. Benedito has written:
'Comentarios a la ley de reforma universitaria'
Virgilio Barco has written:
'Reforma constitucional' -- subject- s -: Constitutional law
Andrzej Rychard has written:
'Reforma gospodarcza' -- subject(s): Economic policy
Julio Herrera has written:
'La reforma penal' -- subject(s): Criminal law
Odilo A. Friedrich has written:
Vilmars Fritsevich Vitin'sh has written:
'Reforma shkoly i professional'naya orientatsiya shkol'nikov'
Francisco Martinez Borja has written:
'La reforma monetaria de 1905'
A. Pashchikov has written:
'Zemel'no-vodnaya reforma v Turkmenistane i zakreplenie ee rezul'tatov (1925-1928gg.)'
Amaral Neto. has written:
'A reforma constitucional de 1966' -- subject(s): Politics and government
Dionisio de Haro has written:
'La reforma monetaria del trienio constitucional'
Carlos Corach has written:
'Reforma constitucional' -- subject(s): Constitutional law, Law reform
Guillermo Andreve has written:
'La reforma electoral' -- subject(s): Election law, Panama
Juan Carlos Blanco has written:
'La reforma' -- subject(s): Politics and government
Jorge E. Culebro Moreno has written:
'Aprendizaje y reforma administritiva'
Yes. It lies on the Paseo de la Reforma Avenue, in Mexico City.
See related links for a photo.
Emilio Hansen has written:
'La reforma monetaria' -- subject(s): Banks and banking, Currency question
A. D. Radygin has written:
'Reforma sobstvennosti v Rossii' -- subject(s): Economic policy, Privatization
There are several of them, but the most renowned is the Auditorio Nacional (National Auditorium) in the Paseo de la Reforma avenue.
F. F. Likhachev has written:
'Reforma i upravlenie lesopromyshlennym proizvodstvom' -- subject(s): Woodworking industries
Jorge Texier Avellaira has written:
'Reforma agraria' -- subject(s): Agriculture and state, Land tenure
Yusup Napiri M. has written:
'Reforma agraria' -- subject(s): Land reform, Law and legislation
The Wisconsin Idea refers to reforms that, among other things, called for direct elections.
Mario Moya Palencia has written:
'La reforma electoral' -- subject(s): Election law, Elections
V. M. Ivanchenko has written:
'Novye rychagi effektivnosti proizvodstva'
'Reforma i predpriyatie'
'Metodologiya narodnokhozyaistvennogo planirovaniya'
Josep-Maria Tamarit i Sumalla has written:
'La reforma de los delitos de lesiones'
Liliana Pardo Gaona has written:
'Reforma de la industria aseguradora' -- subject(s): Insurance law
Guillermo Piedrabuena Richard has written:
'La reforma constitucional' -- subject(s): Constitutional law
'Ley 20,253'
Jenaro Guerrero has written:
'Prensa, reforma electoral' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Elections, Freedom of the press
Eduardo Fierro Manrique has written:
'La reforma del procedimiento laboral' -- subject(s): Labor courts
Carla Soares has written:
'Contra-reforma do notariado e dos registos' -- subject(s): Notaries, Recording and registration