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Restaurant jobs can put a little extra cash in a person's pocket or they can be lifelong careers that pay quite well. That is because there are number of different types of restaurants and a number of different restaurant jobs. There are a few things job hunters should know about these positions and what they entail before deciding to enter the industry.

Without including tips, the highest paying areas in a restaurant are management and kitchen staff. Management pays the most salary and typically has the most benefits. Some cooks can be in management, but they generally have a superior unless they are the owner. This area of restaurant work may require a business education, years working up from lower restaurant position or both.

A very common area of restaurant work and the area where most enter the business is floor staff. Floor staff includes hosts/hostesses, bartenders and waitstaff. Busboys and management will often venture out onto the floor, but customer service often falls to the rest of the floor crew. The only position in this area that requires significant training is bartending. That will require bartending school or extensive on the job training. For the most part, waitstaff and hosts/hostesses can receive on the job training with no experience.

The kitchen area of a restaurant has entry-level positions as well. There are dishwashers, who may one day move up to be cooks or waitstaff. Limited on the job training is all that is necessary for this position. There is also the busboy position, which may fall to dishwashers. Like dishwashing, it requires very little training and no education, but can open doors to better positions in restaurants.

Last, but definitely not least, is the kitchen. In the kitchen, there are prep cooks, line cooks, chefs and/or bakers. Entry level is prep. What is required to attain this position depends on the restaurant. In some places, it requires no experience or education. Other restaurants hire highly trained prep cooks who would be chef-level in other restaurants. The same holds true all the way up the ranks. The quality of training and education required in the chefs directly reflects the quality of the restaurant and the pay.

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Restaurant jobs can put a little extra cash in a person's pocket or they can be lifelong careers that pay quite well. That is because there are number of different types of restaurants and a number of different restaurant jobs. There are a few things job hunters should know about these positions and what they entail before deciding to enter the industry.

Without including tips, the highest paying areas in a restaurant are management and kitchen staff. Management pays the most salary and typically has the most benefits. Some cooks can be in management, but they generally have a superior unless they are the owner. This area of restaurant work may require a business education, years working up from lower restaurant position or both.

A very common area of restaurant work and the area where most enter the business is floor staff. Floor staff includes hosts/hostesses, bartenders and waitstaff. Busboys and management will often venture out onto the floor, but customer service often falls to the rest of the floor crew. The only position in this area that requires significant training is bartending. That will require bartending school or extensive on the job training. For the most part, waitstaff and hosts/hostesses can receive on the job training with no experience.

The kitchen area of a restaurant has entry-level positions as well. There are dishwashers, who may one day move up to be cooks or waitstaff. Limited on the job training is all that is necessary for this position. There is also the busboy position, which may fall to dishwashers. Like dishwashing, it requires very little training and no education, but can open doors to better positions in restaurants.

Last, but definitely not least, is the kitchen. In the kitchen, there are prep cooks, line cooks, chefs and/or bakers. Entry level is prep. What is required to attain this position depends on the restaurant. In some places, it requires no experience or education. Other restaurants hire highly trained prep cooks who would be chef-level in other restaurants. The same holds true all the way up the ranks. The quality of training and education required in the chefs directly reflects the quality of the restaurant and the pay.

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Restaurant jobs in Littleton, Colorado include bartenders, food servers, food specialists, restaurant team members, and many others.

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Charlotte restaurant jobs offer many opportunities for individuals seeking employment. Several skill sets can fit into the restaurant employment type. A worker can find steady work in management with a business degree or previous restaurant experience. A person with little or no experience can also flourish in this field. A job seeker can find restaurant jobs at chain locations, private establishments, and hotels. The need for staff in these locations is steadily growing. Job openings in the restaurant field will continue to grow over the next five years. Now is the perfect time for a person to get his or her foot in the door and down a prosperous path.

Types of Charlotte Restaurant JobsEntry-level restaurants jobs include such positions as bus person, dishwasher, prep cook, cashier and server. A dishwasher is responsible for cleaning all dishes in the establishment. Prep cooks cut and prepare items the cooks will use to make meals. Bus persons clear dishes and prepare tables for new patrons. Cashiers take payments for meals and drinks. Severs are the people who provide the customers with excellent service and deliver there meals.

All of the previously stated jobs require only minimal education such as a high school diploma or GED. They are suitable for people fresh out of high school as well as older individuals who would like to enter the field. Most servers have a tipped position, which means the workers have an opportunity to increase their salaries based on quality of service.

Advanced restaurant positions include such positions as chef, sous chef, bartender, and restaurant manger. These positions require training and certification. A chef or sous chef would need certification from a culinary arts school. A bartender should have certification from an accredited bartending program. Restaurant managers should have an Associate's degree in business management. The salary potential for the higher tier jobs within a restaurant is much greater for the worker than with entry-level positions.

Charlotte Restaurant Jobs Salary

Salary in the restaurant business varies according to position, location, specialty, employer, and education. Entry-level jobs within the field start at around $21,000 per year and advance to around $56,000 per year for managers.

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No, restaurant management jobs are not hard to obtain. However, most restaurant managers start working in the restaurant industry from the bottom up - in other words, as dishwashers and bussers - and move up over the years.

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