To do things to their perfection without being attached to the result is the philosophy of India
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It became Independent with lots of strings attached.
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There a number of things that can cause bumps on the tongue with string attached. In most cases, this will be as a result of eating acidic or too much sugary foods.
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A placenta that is embedded into the cervix and not the normal uterine muscle.As a result it is is very firmly attached and is a real problem
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No, the retina is not firmly attached to the choroid layer. There is a space filled with vitreous humor between the two layers called the subretinal space. This allows the retina to move slightly to accommodate changes in shape and maintain its function.
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It has a tetrahedral structure: there are three atoms of hydrogen attached to the central atom (carbon) as well as an oxygen. There are no lone pairs on the carbon. This will result in a steric number of 4.
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Your bones are attached by musceles which are attached to nerves
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attached are the reports
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The seed is attached to placenta of the ovary by funiculus.
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They expected instant independence.
Instant independence with no strings attached.
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Excuse me, miss, are you currently attached?
My hand is attached to a chair.
Please see the attached example.
I have attached the power cord plug to the wall socket.
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The child's artwork is attached to the refrigerator.
The fisherman attached the bait to his hook.
He attached the birthday card to the gift.
The little girl is very attached to her twin sister.
A letter of recommendation is attached to the application.
She gave the gift freely, with no strings attached.
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When hydrogen is attached to a more electronegative element, it tends to become more polarized due to the higher electronegativity difference. This can result in the hydrogen atom carrying a partial positive charge, making it more likely to participate in hydrogen bonding or interact with other electronegative species.
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The tail or caudal fin is attached to the spine. The others are attached to muscles.
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Muscles are attached to tendons which are attached to bones.
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Attached condominiums are attached to something: a garage or another condominium.
A detached condominium is not attached to anything.
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Well, I used a 6000mah 2 cell Turnigy battery. Everything else were original. Attached a Garmin GPS and measured.
Result: 73KPH.
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No, belly buttons are formed during development in the womb as a result of the umbilical cord being removed after birth. They are not inherited but rather a scar from where the umbilical cord was attached to the fetus.
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The first person to attempt space flight in the 1500s in Chinese legend was Wan Hu. According to the legend, Wan Hu attached 47 attached rockets to a chair and attempted to fly into space. However, the result of his attempt is unknown.
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{| |- | Depends on what is being attached. If it is a single item, the correct term would be 'Attached is.' If it is multiple items, the correct usage would be 'Attached are.' |}
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okay. ball attached to a wire attached to a handle.
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Nobody cut his head. He received the scar as a result of a backfiring killing curse. When the curse backfired part of Voldemort's soul attached itself to Harry and give him a scar.
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Clinicopathological correlation means considering the history, physical, and test results together. It is often to attached to a test or imaging result that may represent an abnormality or may be an insignificant finding.
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Muscles are attached to bone by tendons. Bones are attached to bones by ligaments.
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If the repressor is attached to the operator, it will prevent RNA polymerase from transcribing the genes responsible for tryptophan production. As a result, the production of tryptophan in the E. coli cell will be inhibited, leading to a decrease in the levels of tryptophan synthesized.
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They are attached to a deoxyribose sugar.
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europe is a continent that is attached to what continent
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We call a number that has no variable attached to it, a constant.
A number attached to a variable, as in 3x, is called a coefficient.
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Yes the bridle mount is attached to the bit. Yes the bridle mount is attached to the bit.
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