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SUCCESS. Originally,I was going to say money but that does nothing for an individuals knowledge but success, even though money can be a result,,is more intrinsic.

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SUCCESS. Originally,I was going to say money but that does nothing for an individuals knowledge but success, even though money can be a result,,is more intrinsic.

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SUCCESS. Originally,I was going to say money but that does nothing for an individuals knowledge but success, even though money can be a result,,is more intrinsic.

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If you believe yourself to look more attractive with it put on it will boost your confidence however if you think it makes you look worse it will reduce your confidence.

Basically it is entirely dependant on the person and I'll put it simply like this; if you seriously believe you look better with it on go ahead however make sure that the vast majority of people agree as this will support your confidence, if they don't keep trying until finally you find the correct amount to apply that appeals the most to people. This way you can feel a lot more confident (hopefully)

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Yes it hurts the student who reads a lot. But now question arises Why? because in our areas it has become trend that the student who wanders here and there , is considered as don and all the guys also respect him. maximum boys mock on bookworm student. Thatswhy they feel hesitation , are hurted very much also my friends fequently call me a bookworm and i dont really care. honestly. i am who i am and if they dont like it then too bad for them. besides, being a bookworm cant be too bad if they still hang around me!! haha! everybody whos ever been called a bookworm should decide: are you gonna put up with it, ignore it and get on with life, or change yourself. if you pick the last one then you need to get some selfconfidence!! if you call people a name you dont even truly understand (bookworms are ordinary people too!) then you are even stupider then you think we are. but of it does really hurt, name calling counts as bullying!!!!

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Dude...I have one word for ya. RUN ! There's someone out there better for you. I'm almost 50 and I've lost count of the women I've been involved with. She is only trying to let you down easy in my opinion and I would put money on it that she is already involved with anothr guy (or girl). I learned long ago that the only person that you can REALLY REALLY ever count on in life is yourself. You sound like you're probably young and you sound like a nice guy but you've got a whole life ahead of you for new gals and new relationships. I guarantee a year from now you'll be saying Who was that girl anyway ? Enjoy your youth, enjoy the many women but wait til later in life to get serious with one. They too are more mature and trustworthy later in life. Hope this helps. Keep your chin up and act with selfconfidence. And don't smother them...this will only chase them away. You'll find your true sweetie someday til then just have fun.

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