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shirtsleeve, serviceable, schoolhouse, self-service, subtractive,supergalaxy

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shirtsleeve, serviceable, schoolhouse, self-service, subtractive,supergalaxy

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Basically, is means that you should wear whatever you would during the summer. For example, you might wear shorts, a shirtsleeve shirt, and sandals.

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That he will be overthrown is a king's biggest fear.

Specifically, monarchs hope to rule until death. They can hope to rule despite deformity and disease or even after divorce. But they become anxious and begin to lose hope of longevity in the face of any hint at rebellion from their shirtsleeve relatives, the nobles, or from their subjects.

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If you introduce air into a space where gravity is zero, then air exists there.

A current example is the inside of the International Space Station, where the

crew live and work in a "shirtsleeve environment" that includes air, pressure,

and warmth, but they also live and work in an environment of weightlessness,

or what is popularly but erroneously called "zero gravity".

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If they are PVC then they store a great amount of static electricity especially when very dry.It could be charged by you cleaning the gutter with your shirtsleeve and then discharged when you touched it. If they are metal gutters check any wiring like phone wires or any house wiring insulation near gutters. Fit an RCD anyway to your circuit breaker box they are life savers.

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