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I racked my brains to think of an answer but nothing came to mind.

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I racked my brains to think of an answer but nothing came to mind.

goos sentence?

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The homophone for "rocked" is "racked."

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A remote racking device is the name of a safety device that is fitted to ensure a circuit breaker cannot be racked out when closed.

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Racked means to be put on a rack. It is usually found in two contexts.

1. In pool, the balls are "racked" when they are put into a triangular case or rack, and thus arranged on the pool table.

2. The implement of torture called "the rack" was a sort of bed where people's feet were attached to the foot, their hands tied together above their heads and pulled toward the head, thus stretching them. This caused extreme pain, and could pull the person's arms out of his or her sockets. A person tortured in this way was said to be "racked", and this gives rise to such figurative expressions as "racked with pain" or "racked with guilt".

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rack (noun) - a framework of bars, wires, or pegs on which articles are arranged or deposited: a clothes rack; a luggage rack.

rack (verb) - to torture; distress acutely; torment: His body was racked with pain.

Verb phrasesrack out, Slang . to go to bed; go to sleep: I racked out all afternoon.

rack up,

a. Pool . to put (the balls) in a rack.

b. Informal . to tally, accumulate, or amass as an achievement or score: The corporation racked up the greatest profits in its history.

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