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Skirt steak is cut from the plate of the cow. The plate is located in between the brisket and the flank on the cow's stomach.

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Skirt steak is cut from the plate of the cow. The plate is located in between the brisket and the flank on the cow's stomach.

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Do you mean skirt steak?

A skirt steak is a lesser cut. It is the cow's diaphragm muscle, and is cut from the flank. It is a long, flat piece of meat, with a tendency toward toughness. But it has good flavor. It can be grilled or pan fried quickly with good results. Another traditional method is to stuff it, roll it, and braise it. The skirt steak is often used to make fajitas.

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Hanger steak has a meatier taste and is less "stringy"; making it superior for a steak dinner. Skirt Steak has more marbling and "crunchy" exterior when grilled; making it perrfect for fajitas or stir fries. Both are tastier than traditional steak cuts; yet tender if prepared correctly.

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Flap meat is a cheaper tougher cut of beef compared to Skirt steak which has a higher marble of fat and less conductive tissue, it is often mislabeled nowadays.

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Cook Like an Iron Chef - 2010 Secret Ingredient Skirt Steak 1-3 was released on:

USA: 5 August 2010

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