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When there is a decline of social cohesion

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When there is a decline of social cohesion

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It promotes culture and talent.

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Whilst social cohesion is about the sharing of culture and living together of a certain group, human development is about advancing in whatever it is man needs. It is certainly not mandatory to develop only in a group, human development may be very individual and can therefore not be compared to social cohesion, for the latter one is never individual.

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Social cohesion or unity chemical cohesion- eg. water is a polar molecule which has an affinity for other water molecules. A story or musical work can also be it's various elements all have a central theme.

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Durkheim's work highlighted the importance of social solidarity in maintaining social order and cohesion. It emphasized the role of shared beliefs, values, and norms in promoting social integration and reducing social disorganization. His ideas continue to influence sociological thought on the mechanisms that bind societies together and promote cooperation among their members.

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