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Speed Metal Symphony was created on -19-06-05.

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Speed Metal Symphony was created on -19-06-05.

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Melodic death metal

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Hardest metal is diamond because wayyy back when they decided to do test. They take car of diamond and ran it to a metal wall at the speed of light. The brick wall dissolved. Then they took a metal car and ran it into diamond wall at speed of light. Car dissolved. They then took speed of light car and drove it into wall made of metal at the speed of diamond. The earth shook but everything dissolved. Then they took diamond wall and drove it into a speed of metal wall and created muffin. This concluded that diamond is the hardest metal

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Steam does speed up the rust of shower parts. Water on metal can speed up rusting of metal parts.

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How you calculate heat input and traveling speed for Gas Metal Arc Welding?

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Downward velocity is considered a negative. true or false

This scientist first published a document that stated that every particle in the universe is attracted to every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses

An American satellite with a mass of 20000 kg is 40 meters from an enemy satellite with a mass of 15000 kg What is the gravitational force between them

Two identical metal balls weighing 490 N each are suspended with their centers 3 meters apart what is the gravitational force between them

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