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the developer has larger nuts

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the developer has larger nuts

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Named after W. E. Sayre (subdivider) in 1872.

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New Zealand street names are assigned at the time of registering the subdivision. They subdivider and developer of the land usually proposes the street names and they then go through an approval process with the local authority. They are checked for possible confusion with existing names.

The names of streets in an area often have a theme, such as native trees, famous people or places, of significance to the subdivider.

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subdivider and site development work, real estate management activities, land sales, construction-related activities, and miscellaneous operations

and also concrete drilling

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This was from an episode of Bones. It is a code from the periodic table of elements that was used to pinpoint the location of two of the teams members who were buried underground. 6 = Carbon, 7 = Nitrogen, 16 = Sulphur, M1.4 = some rare subdivider of one or a multiple of the elements which may just have been made up for the purpose of the show.

M1.4 stands for Macerals 1.4 they fluoresce at different levels and give a "fingerprint" as Zach says on the show to narrow down the specific location of Dr. Brennan & Hodgins

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