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Dharmachari Subhuti was born in 1947.

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Dharmachari Subhuti was born in 1947.

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Subhuti Dharmananda has written:

'Pearls from the golden cabinet' -- subject(s): Chinese Herbal Drugs, Chinese Medicine, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Materia medica, Phytotherapy, Therapeutic use

'Chinese herbs for optimum health' -- subject(s): Chinese Herbal Drugs

'Prescriptions on silk and paper' -- subject(s): Chinese Herbal Drugs, Chinese Medicine, Formulae, receipts, prescriptions, Materia medica, Phytotherapy

'A bag of pearls' -- subject(s): Chinese Herbal Drugs, Chinese Materia Medicas, Chinese Medicine, Formulae, receipts, prescriptions, Formulas & preparations, Herbal Medicine, Herbs, Materia medica, Phytotherapy, Therapeutic use

'Frontiers of Chinese herb research' -- subject(s): Herbal Medicine, Research

'Chinese herbology' -- subject(s): Chinese Herbal Drugs, Phytotherapy

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The Diamond Sutra is a lesson in the Mahayanic (Great Vehicle) tradition which teaches the need to avoid mental attachment. The writer identifies the text to be a transcript of a lesson delivered by the Buddha to his disciple Subhuti. Historically a copy of the Diamond Sutra is the oldest known printed book (circa 868 CE)

The term "Diamond" refers to the diamond sword, an allusion to the ease which Buddhist teachings cut through confusion and misunderstandings.

The Sutra talks of the nature of perception, reality, enlightenment and compassion. An interesting point is that taking pride in one's compassion or in the work one does to save others is a form of attachment, and should be avoided. This is somewhat like the phrase used by the Christians' Jesus some 500 years later when he used the example of a Pharisee praying saying "God, I thank you that I am not like other men - robbers, evildoers, adulterers..." (Luke 18: 11-12)

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This is a great person! Higher beings in Buddhism are often referred to as "Bodhisattvas". A Bodhisattva is an enlightened individual, who embodies the values of the Buddha. The Buddha, however, is more of a symbol of an individual that has perfected his path within Buddhism. The Buddha is not a god that is worshiped, as a Buddha is an individual that has mastered the teachings of Buddhism. In some cultures, the Buddhist teachings are influenced by political motives in a fashion no different than Christian based religions. So, the higher beings in Buddhism - are those who have mastered Buddhist practices. However, they are not "higher" in terms of worship, power, or influence. The highest being within Buddhism, is yourself. Keeping in mind - that Buddhism is not practiced to worship a god; it is a practice to master the karmic law of cause and effect.

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