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In a monoalphabetic cipher, our substitution characters are a
random permutation of the 26 letters of the alphabet:
plaintext letters: a b c d e f .....
substitution letters: t h i j a b .....
• The key now is the sequence of substitution letters. In other
words, the key in this case is the actual random permutation of
the alphabet used.
For a particular alphabet, only one substitution can be used
example: if the substitution letter for 'a' is 't' and for 'd' it is 'p'
then if the keyword happens to be "tpp"..... then we can encrypt the message as "add"(note that the substitution letter for 'd' is only 'p'..
In a monoalphabetic cipher, the same substitution rule is used for
every substitution. In a polyalphabetic cipher, the substitution
rule changes continuously from letter to letter according to the
elements of the encryption key.
Example for polyalphabetic:
key: abracadabraabracadabraabracadabraab
plaintext: canyoumeetmeatmidnightihavethegoods
ciphertext: CBEYQUPEFKMEBK.....................
• The Vigenere cipher is an example of a polyalphabetic cipher.

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Caesar Cipher

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In a monoalphabetic cipher, our substitution characters are a

random permutation of the 26 letters of the alphabet:

plaintext letters: a b c d e f .....

substitution letters: t h i j a b .....

• The key now is the sequence of substitution letters. In other

words, the key in this case is the actual random permutation of

the alphabet used.

For a particular alphabet, only one substitution can be used

example: if the substitution letter for 'a' is 't' and for 'd' it is 'p'

then if the keyword happens to be "tpp"..... then we can encrypt the message as "add"(note that the substitution letter for 'd' is only 'p'..

In a monoalphabetic cipher, the same substitution rule is used for

every substitution. In a polyalphabetic cipher, the substitution

rule changes continuously from letter to letter according to the

elements of the encryption key.

Example for polyalphabetic:

key: abracadabraabracadabraabracadabraab

plaintext: canyoumeetmeatmidnightihavethegoods

ciphertext: CBEYQUPEFKMEBK.....................

• The Vigenere cipher is an example of a polyalphabetic cipher.

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here are three different types of ciphers. Here are a couple of examples of simple ones:

  • Substitution Cipher: Replace bits or bytes

    Example - Caesarian Cipher shift up 3

    The enemy is nigh = Wkh hqhpb lv qljk

  • Transposition Cipher:

    Example - Transposition rotate three characters right

    The enemy is nigh = ene myisn ig hthe

  • Substitution and Transposition (modern algorithm)

    The enemy is nigh = hqh pblvq lj kwkh

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