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Syn was a goddess in Norse mythology, associated with "defensive refusal" (according to Wikipedia). The website God Checker describes Syn as Frigg's handmaiden; Frigg is Odin's wife and Baldur's mother. The website Goddess A Day calls Syn the "Goddess of vigilance."

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Syn was a goddess in Norse mythology, associated with "defensive refusal" (according to Wikipedia). The website God Checker describes Syn as Frigg's handmaiden; Frigg is Odin's wife and Baldur's mother. The website Goddess A Day calls Syn the "Goddess of vigilance."

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safeguarded syn. assure, cover, defend

salvaged syn. deliver, reclaim, save

saved syn. regain, rescue, retrieve

scanned syn. browse, check, skim

scheduled syn. appoint, engage, slate

screened syn. cloak, cover, shield

sculptured syn. carve, fashion, hue

searched syn. examine, probe, scour

secured syn. defend, guard, protect

seized syn. clasp, embrace, snag

selected syn. choose, cull, mark

sent syn. advance, dispatched, remit

separated syn. cleave, detach, divide

sequenced syn. assort, classify, group

served syn. aid, deal, provide

serviced syn. correct, focused, mend

set up syn. arrange, begin, start

settled syn. achieve, complete, end

shaped syn. configure, frame, profile

shared syn. assign, dispense, ration

sharpened syn. edge, hone, taper

shipped syn. direct, export, send

shortened syn. abridge, compress, reduce

showed syn. appear, disclose, unveil

signed syn. abandon, cede, yield

simplified syn. clarify, decipher, explained

simulated syn. ape, copy, imitate

sketched syn. craft, draw, make

slashed syn. cut, incise, sever

smoothed syn. clear, even, refine

solicited syn. claim, demand, refer

sold syn. barter, contract, vend

solidified syn. compact, condense, set

solved syn. clarify, decide, settle

sorted syn. classify, grade, group

sourced syn. begin, create, start

sparked syn. excite, inspire, kindle

spearheaded syn. attend, show, usher

specialized syn. practice, study, trained

specified syn. cite, decide, itemize

speculated syn. consider, suspect, theorize

spent syn. confer, deplete, waste

spoke syn. allege, assert, state

sponsored syn. buoy, champion, promote

spurred syn. advance, aid, urge

staffed syn. employ, crew, retain

standardized syn. adjust, institute, order

started syn. begin, order, make

steered syn. conduct, direct, guide

stimulated syn. elate, incite, prod

streamlined syn. focus, gather, organize

strengthened syn. brace, cheer, restore

stretched syn. amplify, extend, widen

structured syn. build, create, make

studied syn. consider, ponder, watch

submitted syn. enter, give, refund

succeeded syn. accomplish, complete, finish

suggested syn. broach, commend, convey

summarized syn. abridge, convey, cut

supervised syn. administer, control, manage

supplied syn. cater, deliver, furnish

supported syn. buoy, aid, promote

surpassed syn. exceed, outrank, top

surveyed syn. access, case, inspect

swayed syn. bend, incline, lean

swept syn. accomplish, complete, won

symbolized syn. denote, embody, suggest

synthesized syn. arrange, blend, integrate

systemized syn. array, design, frame

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A synonym is a word that means the same, or something very similar, as another word.

An antonym is a word that means the exact opposite of another word.

1. war (syn) conflict (ant)peace

2. difference (syn) disparity (ant) similarity

3. believe (syn) trust (ant)doubt

4. slack (syn) loose (ant)tight

5. warp (syn) buckle (ant)straighten

6. overwrought (syn) agitated (ant) calm

7. hare-brained (syn) foolish (ant) sensible

8. mucky (syn) dirty (ant)clean

9. awesome (syn) magnificent (ant) unimpressive

10. zeal (syn) fervour (ant)apathy

11. banal (syn) hackneyed (ant) original

12. young (syn) juvenile (ant) old

13. contemptuous (syn) disdainful (ant) respectful

14. waxen (syn) pallid (ant)ruddy

15. droll (syn) humorous (ant) serious

16. vilify (syn) disparage (ant) praise

17. exultant (syn) jubilant (ant) sorrowful

18. ugly (syn) unsightly (ant) beautiful

19. fat (syn) corpulent (ant)thin

20. tacit (syn) implicit (ant) explicit

21. gargantuan (syn) enormous (ant) tiny

22. sloping (syn) slanted (ant) level

23. heterodox (syn) nonconformist (ant) orthodox

24. rude (syn) discourteous (ant) polite

25. irritate (syn) vex (ant)soothe

26. quash (syn) annul (ant)validate

27. jagged (syn) spiky (ant)smooth

28. prone (syn) vulnerable (ant) resistant

29. kaleidoscopic (syn) multicoloured (ant) monochrome

30. outlandish (syn) weird (ant) ordinary

31. lack (syn) deficiency (ant) abundance

32. nasty (syn) unpleasant (ant) nice

33. malevolence (syn) hostility (ant) benevolence

34. loyalty (syn) allegiance (ant) treachery

35. noxious (syn) poisonous (ant) innocuous

36. kind (syn) caring (ant)mean

37. outward (syn) outer (ant)inward

38. just (syn) fair (ant)unfair

39. pusillanimous (syn) timid (ant) brave

40. include (syn) incorporate (ant) exclude

41. questionable (syn) doubtful (ant) indisputable

42. hate (syn) loathe (ant)love

43. rabble (syn) mob (ant)nobility

44. guilty (syn) culpable (ant) innocent

45. scintillating (syn) sparkling (ant) dull

46. footling (syn) trivial (ant) important

47. tousled (syn) untidy (ant) neat

48. excellent (syn) superb (ant) inferior

49. unforgettable (syn) memorable (ant) unexceptional

50. finished (syn) completed (ant) incomplete

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The Syn was created in 1965.

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Syn Syn Ack Ack means three way handshake in Transmission Control Protocol. It is referred to as Syn Syn Ack Ack because there are three messages transmitted by TCP to negotiate and start a session between two computers.

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