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The larger of the two numbers in a blood pressure reading is the "systolic" reading. The lower number is the "diastolic." The systolic reading measures how hard the heart pumps when it contracts; whereas the diastolic reads the pressure when the heart relaxes.

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Systolic (the higher number) is a reading of the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart is beating at its maximum strength. Diastolic (the lower number) tells you what the pressure is in your blood vessels when your heart is at rest.

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Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

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The systolic pressure is always stated first and the diastolic pressure second. For example: 122/76 (122 over 76); systolic = 122, diastolic = 76. Blood pressure of less than 140 over 90 is considered a normal reading for adults. A systolic pressure of 130 to 139 or a diastolic pressure of 85 to 89 needs to be watched carefully. A blood pressure reading equal to or greater than 140 (systolic) over 90 (diastolic) is considered elevated (high).

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A correct blood pressure reading consists of 2 index numbers, namely a systolic, and a diastolic number. Your diastolic number(s) seem pretty low, especially for a systolic of 108, and a bad reading is suspected.

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Blood pressure reading: Systolic 124, diastolic 53, pulse 61 -- your opinion?

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In many pregnant women, the 4th phase karatkoff sound is audible even though there is no pressure in the cuff. Hence, this leads to a 5th phase karatkoff sound (diastolic pressure reading) of 0. So yes, a systolic reading of 110 and a diastolic of 0 is possible - an example would be in pregnancy.

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A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers: systolic pressure (the top number) and diastolic pressure (the bottom number). The systolic pressure measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats, while the diastolic pressure measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats. The third number, if present, is the pulse pressure, calculated by subtracting the diastolic pressure from the systolic pressure. This number gives an indication of the force the heart generates with each contraction.

5 answers

Diastolic is associated with blood pressure. It's the measurement of pressure in the artery when your heart is at rest.

Dystolic is a common misspelling.

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A blood pressure reading this low can lead to heart failure. There is likely heart disease or some other serious condition present that the person has to cause this reading.

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Systolic Pressure (the other is Diastolic) is the squeezing of the ventricles as they push blood out of the heart and along the arteries to either the body or the lungs.

Diastolic Pressure is when the heart is at its most relaxed after the Systolic squeezing.

ie a Blood Pressure reading of 120/80mm Hg (which is the ideal) is 120mm HG Systolic Pressure - when there is the most force pushing the blood - over 80mm HG - when there is the least force behind the blood flow.

systolic reading denotes the force of contraction of heart and diastolic reading represents relaxation of heart

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it is systolic I remember it by Lub-Dub like clapping your hands.

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They look at the diastolic (smaller number) when checking for high blood pressure.

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usually the systolic, as that is the one when the heart is actually pumping. usually reported as palpated 70 or whatever reading there was.

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A good blood pressure reading for the average person is Less than 120 for the systolic (top) number and less than 80 for the diastolic (bottom) number). Blood pressures between 140-150 systolic and 90-99 diastolic are considered to be Stage 1 high blood pressure. A systolic reading of 160 or higher and a diastolic of 100 or higher is considered to be Stage 2 High Blood Pressure. Higher numbers than those are considered to be a crisis and can be life threatening.

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When a person is evaluated for high blood pressure), 2 values are recorded: systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Systolic (the higher number) is the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts; diastolic (the lower number) is the pressure when the heart rests between contractions. A blood pressure reading is recorded as systolic /diastolic pressure, or "systolic over diastolic." Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). An example of how to read a blood pressure measurement is "120 mmHg/80 mmHg" or "120 over 80." High blood pressure in adults is defined as having either a systolic pressure of 140 mmHg or more, or having a diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg or more. In some people with high blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic pressures are high. However, older people often have a higher systolic pressure with a normal. This condition is called isolated systolic hypertension, which is still considered high blood pressure. In older adults because the arteries reduce in elasticity, they do not expand as easily causing an increase in the systolic blood pressure (Imagine the same quantity of blood flowing through a vessel that doesn't expand. It gets really crammed in there causing systolic blood pressure to increase). But because diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure exerted on the arteries during diastole, there isn't much distension and contraction of the arteries. Thus, reduced elasticity does not effect diastolic pressure causing a normal blood pressure reading.

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Top number is the systolic. For example 120/80 120 would be your systolic number.

1 answer

The two reading notes on a blood pressure reading is systolic and diastolic. Systolic reads the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle beats or contracts. Diastolic reads the pressure in the arteries between beats or contractions.

6 answers

The blood pressure when the heart is contracting. It is specifically the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The time at which ventricular contraction occurs is called systole. In a blood pressure reading, the systolic pressure is typically the first number recorded. For example, with a blood pressure of 120/80 ("120 over 80"), the systolic pressure is 120. By "120" is meant 120 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury).

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A sphygmomanometer is a device which measures blood pressure. It works by reading both the systolic, which is the peak pressure as the heart contracts, and diastolic, which is the lowest pressure as the heart relaxes.

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It means see your doctor! Under 60 BPM is really low for a pulse, and your blood pressure is really low as well. Systolic shouldn't be under 100, diastolic is normally 80.

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the systolic sound is caused by ventricular contraction

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The normal blood pressure is usually between 120-140 mm Hg (systolic)

and 80 - 90 mm Hg (diastolic). Anything higher will be considered as high blood pressure

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Systolic hypertension of the elderly is common and is diagnosed when the diastolic pressure is normal or low, but the systolic is elevated, e.g.170/70 mm Hg.

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Systole is the top number of a blood pressure reading. It is the heart contracting forcing blood out. Indicated by the first heart sound. Diastole is the bottom number of a blood pressure reading. It is the heart relaxing bringing blood back in.

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The upper Blood Pressure Number is the Systolic, Which is the force of blood in your arteries when you heart beats.

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Systolic pressure is a representation of the maximum pressure exerted on the arteries. Systolic pressure measures the maximum amount of pressure the blood exerts during a heart beat.

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Systolic comes from the Greek word, "systole", which means to draw together or contract. Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure produced in the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart contracts.

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the systolic time interval measurements are longest at LVET.

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It is not the maximum systolic pressure, but if close to that point.

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There will be no systolic sound if blood is flowing freely. This occurs when there is no measurable constriction of an artery.

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A systolic blood pressure of 166 is high for a 65 year old female. Talk with your health care provider to determine if you should work to lower your systolic blood pressure, given your particular health history.

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The first number in a blood pressure reading is the systolic blood pressure. It represents the pressure in the artery when the heart is contracting. The second number is the diastolic blood pressure, and represents the pressure when the heart is relaxing.

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Yes. The systolic is the pressure exerted against the artey walls when the heart beats.

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The systolic number is always higher than the diastolic number. 120 or lower for systolic number and 80 or lower for diastolic is in normal range. If diastolic is high, say 95 after running - is ita high? and if what should one do?

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You have long diastolic time as compared to systolic time. So diastolic time is more compromised than systolic time.

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The systolic period is the phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart muscle contracts to pump blood out of the chambers (ventricles) into the arteries. This period is characterized by an increase in blood pressure as the heart contracts.

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A systolic blood pressure of 132 and a diastolic blood pressure of 76 falls within the normal range. It indicates that your heart is pumping blood efficiently without putting excessive strain on your arteries. It's important to continue monitoring your blood pressure regularly to maintain good cardiovascular health.

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The first number is called your systolic blood pressure and the second is called your diastolic. The Systolic is the pressure in your arteries when the ventricles are contracting - so it is the maximum pressure that the heart exerts on the arteries. The diastolic is the pressure when the heart is relaxed - so it is the minimum amount of pressure.

3 answers

Blood pressure is the pressure of what the blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels. The pressure, that the blood exerts on the wall of the blood vessel, depends on the the heart. When the heart (ventricles) contract, the blood is forced out and into the arteries. Since the blood it forced, the pressure is high. That gives you the higher reading, and it is called SYSTOLE. When the heart relaxes between contractions, blood is not forced into the artieries. But, the elastic walls of the arteries - which were streched by the force of the contraction before -, recoils, applying the pressure to the blood. That way the the blood keep flowing. Since this pressure is less then the pressure what the contraction gives, the reading will be lower. That lower reading is called DIASTOLE.

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Hypertensive stands for "high blood pressure" A reading of this sort could be anything above 175 systolic (blood being pumped from the heart around the body)

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The larger number represents systolic pressure, or the maximum pressure. The smaller number represents diastolic pressure, the minimum pressure in one's arteries. It is one of the principle vital signs.

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Blood pressure is defined by two measurements of pressure, called systolic and diastolic, which are commonly written as s / d; for example 130/85. There is no international consensus about what constitutes the normal range for blood pressures, although most concern is about abnormally high blood pressure, as this is linked to a number of serious illnesses. In general it is more worrying if the diastolic pressure is elevated. Acceptable levels for the diagnosis of hypertension would be 170 for systolic and 95 for diastolic pressures. At the lower end, a systolic pressure above 100 and a diastolic above 50 would be acceptable, so giving the normal range 100/50 - 169/94.

[The units for these pressure measurements are mmHg, or millimetres of mercury: traditional sphygmomanometers (the device for measuring blood pressure) had a column of mercury in a glass tube which gave the pressure readings.]


The general aim of most doctors is for a reading of 120/80: a systolic of around 120 and a diastolic of approx 80. Some are even happier with a reading of around 110/70; but much less than that can also carry its own problems: so these are considered 'optimum readings'.

As to which is the more important - systolic or diastolic, opinion has proven divided over recent decades.

The current trend is that the systolic is of more concern to 'high' blood pressure. This concern is at a reading of around 165 to 170. Diastolic becomes of concern also at around 90 or 95.

As one's blood pressure is expected to increase somewhat with age, it is of more concern that a 30 year-old has a systolic reading of 150 than for a 55 year-old to show that reading.

Likewise, a reading of 90 [diastolic] can be quite concerning in a 30 year-old.

The AMA states "normal blood pressure is less that 120 / less than 80"

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