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I'm now in New York. My visa has expired .
I'm Chinese.I'm going to stay here and apply for refugee.

Q0:What to do before above done.
My Profession Skills: Software Development,Network Security,System Maintenance

Q1:In all illegal jobs,I mean illegal, my skills can be used in New York or not?
Of course,I know ones of them are the restaurant of China-town. But Those're not someplace my skills used.

Q2: If I work hard enough,and be lucky enough, how long to get green card?

Q3:While Q2 excuting, What according to confirm my profile,such as my age,my borned date............

Q4: If Q2 done, My Chinese education background is valid or not? If not , Am I going to start form America Primary School to College. I mean, I'm not young ever.

Q5:After acquiring greed card, could I go to find jobs and get some interviews,etc?

Q6:After I stay hrere illegally, Would my motherland visa credit card would be canceled?

If you have many experiences about all above,welcome and thank you so much.
If not,well,let's talk about it.

2 answers

A substance is known to be liquid at room temperature if its melting point is below room temperature (typically around 20-25°C). This means the substance will exist in a liquid state under normal room conditions.

11 answers