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Thwart means to confound, foil a plan beat someone or to run transversely across.

I must thwart the villain in his plans.

The seating ran thwart ships across the boat.

1 answer

A thwart is a seat across a boat for a rower to sit on.

1 answer

The word is thwart (prevent someone from doing something).

2 answers

aid, assist, encourage are all antonyms for thwart

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1 answer

The spy was able to thwart the enemy's plans through quick thinking and clever tactics.

2 answers

People who thwart other people could be called opponents, or obstacles.

1 answer

i went to school and tried to thwart the plan to make school longer

1 answer

A thwart is a strut placed crosswise, i.e.,

left to right, in a small boat of shallow draft. These small boats are commonly known as rowboats, canoes, dinghies, or dories. The thwart can be used as a seat, especially on a rowboat or canoe.
While you probably wouldn't tie parts of a boat to the thwart, there are many boat accessories you could tie, and help prevent their loss. You could secure your waterproof or water-resistant

ditty bag, seat cushions, or dock fenders. You could tie your cooler or a bailing bucket to the thwart. If the thwart is structurally sound, you could use it to tie up to a dock cleat. You could lay your fishing rods on the thwart, or lay your oars on the thwart, if you don't have oarlocks.
There are some items you probably would not tie to a thwart. An anchor and anchor line is probably too much weight for a thwart and could pull it out or even capsize the boat. A tow line also would probably exert too much pressure on a thwart and could pull it out.

1 answer

The police were able to thwart the robbery attempt before the thieves could escape with the stolen goods.

2 answers

thwart is to stop an action before it starts (ie, I Superman thawrted Lex from taking over the world)

1 answer

prevent, scuttle

1 answer

No species is inherently invasive. Rattlesnakes are found through much of North America, where they are not invasive.

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Pandas are not an invasive species.

1 answer

"Thwart" can be a verb, noun or preposition. Defined from the dictionary (which would be a much better, more direct source to use for any word):

As a verb: to prevent one from accomplishing something: "he never did anything to thwart his father"; "he was thwarted in his plans".

As a noun: a structural crosspiece forming a seat for a rower in a boat.

As a preposition: from one side to another side of; across: "a cloud spread thwart the shore".

1 answer

The opposite of invasive is non-invasive, leave alone, surrender, withdraw or yield, depending on the conext.

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A noxious weed is another term for an invasive plant species.

3 answers

defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, frustrated

1 answer

Prevent, avoid, thwart, hinder, halt...

1 answer

I think it's THWART-er-os

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No. It is a non-invasive method

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A person would be able to find the definition of the word "thwart" in a dictionary such as a Cambridge English Dictionary (be it either hard back or online version).

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There is no direct Spanish translation to the word "thwart". Synonyms are

Impedir - Impede

Frustrar - frustrate

Estobar - Cut short, stub, hinder

Contrarrestar - Counter, countermand

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Thwart- help, assist

Accommodate- neglect, avoid

Retire- move forward, active

Slither- run, jump

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There is no such thing as an "invasive koala". Koalas are not invasive as they are native to Australia, and have not been introduced to any other country.

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To interfere with someone.

The definition exactly is "to oppose successfully"

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baffle, balk, check, defeat, foil, frustrate, hinder, impede, obstruct, oppose, outwit, prevent, stop,

1 answer

Yes; it's invasive name is Cinnamomum Camhora

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Yes, it is a very dangerous invasive specie.

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Minimally invasive valve surgery has been an outgrowth of the success with minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting.

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Invasive means that this animal or plant is invading Australia e.g it could be wrecking fences. Non invasive means its doing no harm at all e.g the cow is non invasive becaause its not doing anything wrong, its actally helping us by giving us milk!

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No, raccoons are not an invasive species of the Everglades. They are native wildlife there.

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Firewall, correct patch. Not an anti-virus.

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The word is thwart (prevent someone from doing something).

1 answer

stop, confuse, prevent, check, checkmate, frustrate

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Even a single remaining ant can rebuild the invasive species' population xd

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Invasive involves cutting the body open, invading it. Non-invasive uses existing bodily cavities to reach areas if they can be operated on that way. In the future, nanosurgery using tiny devices and tiny robots will make non-invasive surgery more readily possible.

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We try to stop invasive species entering our rivers and lakes.

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The minority in the legislature, in an attempt to thwart a vote on legislation of which they disapprove.

1 answer