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"Trilaminar emdometrium" is a term generally applied to the (ultra)sonographic pattern of the endometrium. It speaks to the "shape" of the interuterine area and, by default the echoic properties of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Let's back up.

The uterine lining, the endometrium, undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. In cases where a woman is undergoing some sort of fertility treatment, sonography reveals something about the characteristics of the endometrium, and investigators may suspect that conditions may or may not be favorable to fertilization and conception based on what they see in the sonogram. A trilaminar endometrium is more favorable than non-trilaminar.

What seems the case is that if the "general shape" of the image is a trilaminar endometrium, then the conditions for favorable outcomes in insemination attempts are improved over non-trilaminar sonography. There is not guarantee, but in the clearly non-trilaminar imaging, no pregnancies occurred in the studies.

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"Trilaminar emdometrium" is a term generally applied to the (ultra)sonographic pattern of the endometrium. It speaks to the "shape" of the interuterine area and, by default the echoic properties of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Let's back up.

The uterine lining, the endometrium, undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. In cases where a woman is undergoing some sort of fertility treatment, sonography reveals something about the characteristics of the endometrium, and investigators may suspect that conditions may or may not be favorable to fertilization and conception based on what they see in the sonogram. A trilaminar endometrium is more favorable than non-trilaminar.

What seems the case is that if the "general shape" of the image is a trilaminar endometrium, then the conditions for favorable outcomes in insemination attempts are improved over non-trilaminar sonography. There is not guarantee, but in the clearly non-trilaminar imaging, no pregnancies occurred in the studies.

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two type of embryo 1) zygotic embryo 2) nonzygotic embryo

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Gastrulation in the human embryo coincides with the formation of the primitive streak on the epiblast and the horizontal growth of both epiblast and hypoblast.

In the human embryo, there is no archenteron. Its closest equivalent may be the formation of the primitive streak, where the primitive streak is the equivalent of the blastopore in smaller organisms such as the frog or the zebrafish.

The formation of the primitive streak is characterised by

1) the transformation of the hypoblast into the endoderm: the growth of epiblast cells toward the inside, replacing (a combination of cell migration and differentiation) hypoblast cells with endodermal cells,

2) the creation of the mesoderm: the growth/migration/differentiation of epiblast cells toward the middle, in between the epiblast/ectoderm and the endoderm.

3) the spreading of the mesodermal plate until a complete pear shaped, trilaminar embryonic disc is formed.

4) the differentiation of the epiblast into the ectoderm

and in the final stages

5) the formation and growth of the notochord (mesoderm) and the neural plate (ectoderm).

The end result is a curved trilaminar embryonic disc.

The inside of our digestive and respiratory tubes are formed during embryonic folding where the ectodermal cavity practically grows over the endoderm, pulling the endodermal cavity inwards.

From the endoderm develops the allantois (umbilical cord) and the umbilical vesicle (yolk sac, useless in humans).

The amnios is the exterior layer of the ectodermal cavity. The inner layer (that which is part of the trilaminar embryonic disc) of the ectodermal cavity will become skin and brain during fetal development.

The chorion was formed from the trophoblast.

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