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UNOSOM II assumes the Somalian duties of the dissolved UNITAF.

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UNOSOM II assumes the Somalian duties of the dissolved UNITAF.

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The first United Nation Operation on Somalia (UNOSOM I) was carried primarily by United Nation officials in attempt to provide and secure humanitarian relief within Somalia, as a reaction to the eruption and escalation of the civil war. The primary objective was to monitor the first ceasefire of the Somali Civil war. It was established in April 1992 and ran until its responsibility was assumed by the US led Unified Task Force (UNITAF). The operation lasted from December 9, 1992 till May 3, 1993. On May 4, 1993 the United Nations Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II), also supported by US troops, assumed official command and responsibility for the operation. UNOSOM II abruptly ended March 3, 1994, following the broadcast of bodies of dead American soldiers being dragged on the streets of Mogadishu.

Prior to the passing of Resolution 794, the United States had offerred its troops to the United Nation. After its adoption President George H. W. Bush initiated the UNTAF in Somalia. While US action did not occur until after the passing of the Resolution, US interest in Somalia was early on in the Somali war. Prior to the collapse of the Somali government in 1991, 4 major oil petroleum giants had agreements with Somalia giving companies the rights to the most promising concessions (Fineman). Companies such as Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips were hoping that Bush would make the decision to send troops to Somalia, as it will help protect their investments (Chamberlain).

It has been theorized that the former Texan- oil man, President George Bush, had personal reasons for wanting intervention in Somalia. When in the mid-1980s it was disclosed that there was large amount of oil in northern Somalia, Bushed urged American oil companies to exploit those reserve (Chamberlain). After the enactment of Operation Restore Hope, Conoco played an intimate part in U.S government's role in humanitarian efforts (Project Censored). Questions begun to raise on if Bush's effort were to restore hope, or to restore oil.

The Clinton administration used the events of Somalia as a chance to define and test their theories on how foreign policies should work in their view. It is one that should utilize multilateralism, intervention and human rights. The Clinton administration saw these as solution to the current foreign policy problem.

Like the Vietnam War, the Somali crisis was heavily televised. The appearance of Somalia on American television during the summer and fall of 1992 came after the interaction of journalist engaging in routine newsgathering practices while in the efforts of finding more information on US foreign policy agenda (Mermin). However it does not necessarily mean that media was one of the main driving forces behind U.S. intervention. Fact is that "Somalia appeared on American television before the decision for US intervention, because it had sparked interest among figures in Washington who made efforts to draw attention to it (Mermin)".Many of the news coverage during the time of the Somali civil war clashed with the position of the bush administration, and prior the Bush administration had pushed for involvement in Somalia long before action was made (Mermin). It is obvious that the significant amount of coverage on Somalia only occurred after United States interest in the country.

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