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Forty lobsters are required to fill a cooking urn, forty-four lobsters are required to fill a strong cooking urn, and sixty-five lobsters are required to fill a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters will fill 2.53% of the urn when used with a cooking urn, fill 2.29% of the urn when used with a strong cooking urn, and fill 1.55% of the urn when used with a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters cannot be used with a cracked cooking urn or a fragile cooking urn.

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Forty lobsters are required to fill a cooking urn, forty-four lobsters are required to fill a strong cooking urn, and sixty-five lobsters are required to fill a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters will fill 2.53% of the urn when used with a cooking urn, fill 2.29% of the urn when used with a strong cooking urn, and fill 1.55% of the urn when used with a decorated cooking urn. Lobsters cannot be used with a cracked cooking urn or a fragile cooking urn.

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