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My under cabinet mounted coffee maker.

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My under cabinet mounted coffee maker.

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Manjadi, is the malayalam colloquial name for coralwood. It has hard, attractive beads of a deep scarlet red colour and is an interesting shape that is not exactly smooth round but has surfaces of no geometric patterns. In kerala, it used to be used for a game very similar to tic tac toe and checkers and is also used in the famous Guruvayur Temple, where it is stored in a large "uruli". Devotees make their children scoop out handfuls of these seeds and pour them back into the "uruli" in belief that doing so makes their children more spunky and adorable like the popular diety, "Lord Krishna" in his boyhood legends... It is a sign of their devotion to the Lord who is an incarnation of Vishnu, the Protector. I hope this answers your question adequately. Please google the word coralwood seeds or Manjadi for pictures or detailed botanical descriptions.

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