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A varicocele is a widening of the veins along the cord that holds up a man's testicles.

Alternative Names

Varicose veins - scrotum

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

A varicocele forms when valves inside the veins along the spermatic cord prevent blood from flowing properly. This causes the blood to back up, leading to swelling and widening of the veins. (This is essentially the same process that leads to varicose veins, which are common in the legs.)

Varicoceles usually develop slowly. They are more common in men ages 15 - 25 and are most often seen on the left side of the scrotum. Varicoceles are often the cause of infertility in men.

The sudden appearance of a varicocele in an older man may be caused by a kidney tumor, which can block blood flow to a vein. This is more common on the left side than the right.


There may not be symptoms.

Signs and tests

The health care provider will examine the groin area, including the scrotum and testicles. The doctor may be able to feel a nontender, twisted mass along the spermatic cord. (It feels like a bag of worms.)

However, the mass may not be able to be seen or felt, especially when lying down.

The testicle on the side of the varicocele may be smaller than the one on the other side.


A scrotal support (jock strap) or snug underwear may provide some relief of the pain or discomfort. If pain continues or other symptoms occur, further treatment may be needed.

Surgery to correct a varicocele is called a varicocelectomy. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. You will receive some type of numbing medication (anesthesia). The urologist will make a cut, usually in the lower abdomen, and tie off the abnormal vein. Blood will now flow around the area into normal veins. Keep an ice pack on the area for the first 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling.

An alternative to surgery is varicocele embolization. This method is also done on an outpatient basis. However, it uses a much smaller cut than surgery, so you heal faster. A small hollow tube called a catheter (tube) is placed into a vein in your groin or neck area.

Using x-rays as a guide, the health care provider moves the tube into the varicocele. A tiny coil passes through the tube into the varicocele. The coil blocks blood flow to the bad vein, and sends it to normal veins.

After the procedures, you will be told to place ice on the area and wear a scrotal support for a little while. Complications from treatment may include:

  • Atrophic testis
  • Blood clotformation
  • Infection
  • Injury to the scrotal tissue or nearby blood vessel
Expectations (prognosis)

A varicocele is usually harmless and often requires no treatment. If surgery is required because of infertility or testicular wasting away (atrophy), the sperm count will likely improve but the ultimate pregnancy rate is unchanged. In most cases, testicular wasting (atrophy) does not improve unless surgery is done early in adolescence.

Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you discover a testicle lump or need to treat a diagnosed varicocele.


Khera M, Lipshultz LI. Evolving approach to the varicocele. Urol Clin North Am. 2008;35:183-189.

Schneck FX, Bellinger MF. Abnormalities of the testes and scrotum and their surgical management. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 127.

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Related answers

A varicocele is a widening of the veins along the cord that holds up a man's testicles.

Alternative Names

Varicose veins - scrotum

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

A varicocele forms when valves inside the veins along the spermatic cord prevent blood from flowing properly. This causes the blood to back up, leading to swelling and widening of the veins. (This is essentially the same process that leads to varicose veins, which are common in the legs.)

Varicoceles usually develop slowly. They are more common in men ages 15 - 25 and are most often seen on the left side of the scrotum. Varicoceles are often the cause of infertility in men.

The sudden appearance of a varicocele in an older man may be caused by a kidney tumor, which can block blood flow to a vein. This is more common on the left side than the right.


There may not be symptoms.

Signs and tests

The health care provider will examine the groin area, including the scrotum and testicles. The doctor may be able to feel a nontender, twisted mass along the spermatic cord. (It feels like a bag of worms.)

However, the mass may not be able to be seen or felt, especially when lying down.

The testicle on the side of the varicocele may be smaller than the one on the other side.


A scrotal support (jock strap) or snug underwear may provide some relief of the pain or discomfort. If pain continues or other symptoms occur, further treatment may be needed.

Surgery to correct a varicocele is called a varicocelectomy. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis. You will receive some type of numbing medication (anesthesia). The urologist will make a cut, usually in the lower abdomen, and tie off the abnormal vein. Blood will now flow around the area into normal veins. Keep an ice pack on the area for the first 24 hours after surgery to reduce swelling.

An alternative to surgery is varicocele embolization. This method is also done on an outpatient basis. However, it uses a much smaller cut than surgery, so you heal faster. A small hollow tube called a catheter (tube) is placed into a vein in your groin or neck area.

Using x-rays as a guide, the health care provider moves the tube into the varicocele. A tiny coil passes through the tube into the varicocele. The coil blocks blood flow to the bad vein, and sends it to normal veins.

After the procedures, you will be told to place ice on the area and wear a scrotal support for a little while. Complications from treatment may include:

  • Atrophic testis
  • Blood clotformation
  • Infection
  • Injury to the scrotal tissue or nearby blood vessel
Expectations (prognosis)

A varicocele is usually harmless and often requires no treatment. If surgery is required because of infertility or testicular wasting away (atrophy), the sperm count will likely improve but the ultimate pregnancy rate is unchanged. In most cases, testicular wasting (atrophy) does not improve unless surgery is done early in adolescence.

Calling your health care provider

Call for an appointment with your health care provider if you discover a testicle lump or need to treat a diagnosed varicocele.


Khera M, Lipshultz LI. Evolving approach to the varicocele. Urol Clin North Am. 2008;35:183-189.

Schneck FX, Bellinger MF. Abnormalities of the testes and scrotum and their surgical management. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap 127.

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There is no known specific genetic component to varicocele. There are many lifestyle factors for varicocele.

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Varicocele is a medical condition characterized by the enlargement of veins within the scrotum, similar to varicose veins in the legs. This condition primarily affects the testicles, leading to various varicocele symptoms such as discomfort, pain, and potential fertility issues. Fortunately, there are several varicocele treatment options available, including embolization, natural remedies, homeopathic medicines, and specialist interventions.

Embolization for Varicocele Treatment

Embolization is an innovative and minimally invasive procedure used to treat varicocele. During embolization, a radiologist inserts a thin catheter through a small incision, typically in the groin or neck, and navigates it to the affected veins in the scrotum. Once in position, a special embolic material is injected into the varicose veins to block blood flow. This effectively redirects blood away from the affected veins, reducing the varicocele's size and associated symptoms.

Varicocele embolization offers several advantages over traditional surgical treatments. It is a same-day, outpatient procedure, meaning patients can often return home shortly after the treatment. Recovery time is relatively short, with most individuals resuming their daily activities within a few days. Additionally, embolization boasts a high success rate and minimal risk of complications, making it an appealing option for those seeking varicocele treatment without surgery.

Natural Varicocele Treatment

While embolization and surgery are effective, some individuals prefer natural treatments to manage varicocele symptoms. These methods focus on lifestyle changes and holistic approaches to improve blood flow and reduce discomfort.

Dietary Modifications: A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can promote overall vascular health. Incorporating foods like berries, citrus fruits, and leafy greens can help strengthen blood vessels.

Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can enhance blood circulation and reduce the risk of varicocele-related discomfort. Cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking, swimming, and cycling are particularly beneficial.

Herbal Supplements: Certain herbal supplements, such as horse chestnut extract and grape seed extract, have shown promise in improving vascular health and reducing varicocele symptoms. However, it is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before using any varicocele home remedies.

Scrotal Support: Wearing supportive underwear or a scrotal support device can alleviate discomfort associated with varicocele by providing additional support to the scrotum.

Bilateral Varicocele Treatment

Bilateral varicoceles affect both testicles and can be more challenging to treat. Bilateral varicocele treatment options include embolization and surgical approaches. Embolization is particularly advantageous in such cases because it is minimally invasive and can address both sides simultaneously.

Varicocele Medications

Medications are generally not a primary treatment for varicocele. However, they may be prescribed to manage pain and discomfort associated with the condition. Over-the-counter homeopathic medicines can help alleviate mild pain. For severe pain, prescription medications may be necessary, but they do not address the underlying cause of varicocele and are not a long-term solution.

Varicocele Specialists

Seeking the expertise of a varicocele specialist is crucial when exploring treatment options. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your condition, recommend appropriate treatment options, and guide you through the decision-making process.

Varicocele Treatment at Home

While some aspects of varicocele management require medical intervention, several home remedies can complement professional varicocele ayurvedic treatment or alleviate mild symptoms.

These include:-

Warm Compress: Applying a warm compress to the scrotum can help relieve pain and discomfort.

Elevating the Scrotum: Lying down and elevating the scrotum with a pillow can reduce blood pooling and swelling.

Avoiding Prolonged Sitting or Standing: Changing positions regularly can improve blood flow in the scrotal area.


Varicocele is a common condition that can lead to discomfort, pain, and fertility issues. Consulting with a varicocele specialist is essential to determine the most suitable approach for your individual case. Additionally, incorporating lifestyle changes and home remedies can play a supportive role in managing varicocele symptoms and promoting overall scrotal health. Ultimately, the choice of varicocele treatment should be based on your specific condition and medical advice.

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varicocele non surgical treatment

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If you have a varicocele you need to have it fixed by your doctor. The longer a person goes with an untreated varicocele the more the chance they will develop infertilty or testicular cancer. Viagra is not an absolute contradindication for a varicocele per se, but it will increase the blood flow, and thus the heat in the area. So it will increase the risks already associated with the varicocele.

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