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Lucius Volumnius Flamma Violens died in -273.

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Lucius Volumnius Flamma Violens died in -273.

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Lucius Volumnius Flamma Violens was born in -340.

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when the beat and everything changes. like if there are flutes or violens in the back round and then you hear electic guitars that is called a breakdown in music.

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Ok so apparently I too have been doing some research on this soundtrack, and their dsnt seem to be one. This movie is a classic Japanese Horror film that was remade. I would try Neoclassical dark wave music, its the same thing. Mainly instrumental with violens and the creepy female voice waving in the background. Try Amber Asylum, their pretty good. My favorite is called " Looking Glass " Hope that helped...some.

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bins, fins, gins, hens, kins, mens', pens, sins, shins, tins, wins, violens, lens, zens
Tins. Rims pimms rinse

akin, been, begin, benin, berlin, bin, boleyn, built-in, chargin, check-in, chin, din, fin, grin, gin, harbin, herein, in, inn, jilin, jinn, kin, kirin, lynn, mandolin, pinyin, shin, sin, skin, spin, therein, thin, tianjin, tientsin, tin, turin, twin, unpin, violin, wherein, win, winded, within.

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