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Vitamin A deficiency can be prevented or treated by taking vitamin supplements or by getting injections of the vitamin.

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Vitamin A deficiency can be prevented or treated by taking vitamin supplements or by getting injections of the vitamin.

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Newborns are especially prone to vitamin K deficiency

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The prognosis for correcting vitamin B6 deficiency is excellent

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Vitamin K deficiency in adults is rare

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Rickets in children and osteomalacia are examples of deficiency diseases due to vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is an example of vitamin C deficiency. Beriberi is an example of vitamin B one deficiency. (Both, wet beriberi and dry beriberi.) Pellagra is an example of Niacin deficiency. Anemia is caused by deficiency of vitamin B 12 and Folic acid. Burning feet syndrome is caused by the deficiency of Pantothenic acid. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A. Kwashiorkor and marasmus are caused by deficiency of proteins and food, respectively. Poverty is caused by deficiency of kindness. Inequality is caused by deficiency of compassion.

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