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Just sustained an eye injury and was told the answer was no! Sorry

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Just sustained an eye injury and was told the answer was no! Sorry

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Extreme short sightedness Hypermyopia is Retinal Detachment

The retina is attached to the sclera in the back of the eye, and a retinal detachment occurs when it is pulled away from this normal position. The retina, like film in a camera, is responsible for creating the images that one sees. A good picture could not be produced if the film were not in its correct location within the camera, and we lose vision if the retina is not in its proper place within the eye.

The retina detaches by separating from the back wall of the eye. When it is removed from its blood supply (the choroid), it will lose nourishment and result in a loss of some vision if not repaired in time. This retinal tear may be caused by trauma or by a vitreous detachment (or "posterior vitreous detachment"). Vitreous detachment, not uncommon in older people, results from the vitreous fluid shrinking and pulling away from the retina. This causes "floaters," which do not damage the retina or vision. Extreme short sightedness Hypermyopia is Retinal Detachment

The retina is attached to the sclera in the back of the eye, and a retinal detachment occurs when it is pulled away from this normal position. The retina, like film in a camera, is responsible for creating the images that one sees. A good picture could not be produced if the film were not in its correct location within the camera, and we lose vision if the retina is not in its proper place within the eye.

The retina detaches by separating from the back wall of the eye. When it is removed from its blood supply (the choroid), it will lose nourishment and result in a loss of some vision if not repaired in time. This retinal tear may be caused by trauma or by a vitreous detachment (or "posterior vitreous detachment"). Vitreous detachment, not uncommon in older people, results from the vitreous fluid shrinking and pulling away from the retina. This causes "floaters," which do not damage the retina or vision.

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A vitrectomy is a surgery performed on the eye. This surgery removes the gel of the eye known as the vitreous humor. It is used to aid in the treatment of eye conditions such as vitreous floaters and retinal detachment.

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* Detachment of the corpus vitreum (VITREOUS BODY) from its normal attachments, especially the retina, due to shrinkage from degenerative or inflammatory conditions, trauma, myopia, or senility. * 379.21 is a specific code that can be used to specify a diagnosis * 379.21 contains 6 index entries * View the ICD-9-CM Volume 1 379.* hierarchy * Vitreous: ** cavitation ** detachment ** liquefaction 379.21 refers to vitreous detachment/cavitation/degeneration. Information source: first hand from my trusted opthalmologist.

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Vitrectomy is typically performed in more complex cases of retinal detachment. During the procedure, the vitreous gel is removed, and the retina is reattached with the help of gas or silicone oil.

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