To convince your mom that you are not wasting money, prove that you are living within your means. You shold have some money in savings, and you should have reasons for the purchases that you are making.
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No. You would only be wasting time and money and may unnecessarily complicate the procedure.
No. You would only be wasting time and money and may unnecessarily complicate the procedure.
No. You would only be wasting time and money and may unnecessarily complicate the procedure.
No. You would only be wasting time and money and may unnecessarily complicate the procedure.
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well it depends on what u r buying. if u r buying thing u need, u r not wasting money, but if u r buying things u dont need, u r wasting money.
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Wasting money refers to spending it thoughtlessly or inefficiently on things that do not provide value or benefit in return. It can involve making unnecessary purchases, overspending on items that are not essential, or failing to budget and save money appropriately. Ultimately, wasting money impacts one's financial well-being and can lead to financial insecurity.
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No it isn't. Spending money on useless things are wasting your money. You should use your money wisely.
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Yes save energy and importantly recycle.To help save our money.
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The proverb 'time is money' means if you are wasting your time, you are not making any money. Your time is valuable.
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PLEASE stop wasting your money, that stuff doesn't make you more virile & may have harmful chemicals in it. you are endangering your health, wasting your money and getting nothing for it.....
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Saving money and not wasting money. Also trust in the government
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Its not! Only for little kids wasting their money on stuffed animals.
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Wasting water is so bad because it's more money for you and your family to pay. It's also bad for the earth.
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Stupid, overpaid, poor candidates, money wasting, etc
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It means to spend as much as you have without wasting all of it.
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It means its like wasting money. Similar quips:burning money, money down a rat hole, throwing money away.
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lack in how to manage income
unable to manage much amount of money
wasting money for unimportant things
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so far ive been wasting money on vitamins they do
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Sadly, as many as can finagle their parents into wasting their money on it.
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kumon must stand for come on as in a way of bring an wasting your money there
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You can take it anytime, but you are wasting your money. It isn't going to do anything for you.
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No but your wasting money to put too many
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Economical shopping is just buying the things that you REALLY need and you are not wasting any money!
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$18000 yearly cost that's alot of money your parents are wasting !
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because wii's are not popular the companies thought it would be a wasting in money.
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You will be wasting your money. Its best absorption rate would be to take it as it is prescribed, swallow it.
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No, you are just wasting money and causing more problems.
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you cant win the gadget show so stop wasting your money.
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because sponsors keep wasting their money and associating with idiots.
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The lowest. You will be wasting money if you get a higher grade.
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There is no specific value. Wasting time or using it inefficiently can cost money, but the amount depends on the type and size of the operation.
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NO!!!!! never that would be terrible! kids wasting money in a casino!!!!! NEVER!!!! ~this is from a girl who is in school~ NO!!!!! never that would be terrible! kids wasting money in a casino!!!!! NEVER!!!! Answer Well, in a way. I'm 12 and I'm making a kid-friendly casino!
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The sun in Franklin's quotation "Remember that time is money" refers to the idea that time has value and should be used wisely, just like money. By emphasizing the importance of time management and efficiency, Franklin underscores the notion that wasting time is akin to wasting money.
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It takes time to make money. For example if you work for one day you might make $50. If you are not working you are not making money. If stop work for half-a-day work then you throw away half-a-days wage etc
Wasting time = wasting money.
It is said Benjamin Franklin said this in 1748 in an essay titled 'Advice to a Young Tradesman'.
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If you don't throw away food, the food will rot and become moldy. This will not only create a very undesirable smell in your household, but will also attract maggots, flies, and possibly small rodents.
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To save money for yourself, to avoid wasting energy and to avoid unnecessary pollution to the environment.
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Taking up the space and wasting money - should be spent for people's needs.
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yes cause there are rural places there and nobody helps on wasting there money
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e colonis sepnt there money wiser not just wasting it.... and it put the money towards more weapons and etc
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Yea no wasting money
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You can make him something instead of wasting your money on something he might don't want.
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