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Both steel wool and rocks undergo physical and chemical weathering processes when exposed to the elements. Steel wool can rust when exposed to moisture, similar to how rocks can break down due to freezing and thawing cycles or chemical reactions with water. Both processes result in the breakdown of the material over time.

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Both steel wool and rocks undergo physical and chemical weathering processes when exposed to the elements. Steel wool can rust when exposed to moisture, similar to how rocks can break down due to freezing and thawing cycles or chemical reactions with water. Both processes result in the breakdown of the material over time.

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Rusting is a form of chemical weathering. It occurs when iron or steel objects are exposed to oxygen and moisture, leading to the formation of iron oxide (rust) through a chemical reaction.

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Humans can prevent the negative effects of weathering by using materials that are resistant to weathering, such as stainless steel or treated wood. Regular maintenance and inspections of structures can also help identify and address any weathering damage early on. Implementing proper drainage systems to prevent water infiltration can also help reduce the impact of weathering.

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Steel is just a form of iron that is refined differently to iron in a blast furnace, as it is allowed to have a small amount of carbon and other alloying metals. However other forms of steel such as weathering steel and stainless steel have other metals (chromium, magnesium etc.) added to them to give them the properties that they require for their particular purpose.

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If made of iron or steel they will rust.

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