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Wrap insurance is a special type of construction insurance policy that covers a project for all entities that enroll into the wrap, usually the GC, subs, developer, etc. Wrap insurance can cover general liability and larger wraps (OCIPS/CCIPS) can also include work comp on the project. If you participate on a wrap you will be responsible for the premiums corresponding to your payroll and sales into the wrap so you will need to be able to seperate that from your normal billings. If you are doing a lot of wrap work, job costing and job billing are very important. The wrap is administrated by a wrap administrator who also enrolls the entities, they will be a great source of information for you.

Chris Larmore - Parenti Insurance

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Wrap insurance is a special type of construction insurance policy that covers a project for all entities that enroll into the wrap, usually the GC, subs, developer, etc. Wrap insurance can cover general liability and larger wraps (OCIPS/CCIPS) can also include work comp on the project. If you participate on a wrap you will be responsible for the premiums corresponding to your payroll and sales into the wrap so you will need to be able to seperate that from your normal billings. If you are doing a lot of wrap work, job costing and job billing are very important. The wrap is administrated by a wrap administrator who also enrolls the entities, they will be a great source of information for you.

Chris Larmore - Parenti Insurance

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Wrap insurance, or Owner Controlled Insurance Programs, are insurance policies that cover a construction project for all entites who are enrolled in that project. Coverage may include general liability or work comp insurance.

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Wrap My Words Around You was created in 2004.

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Wrap Around Joy was created in 1974-09.

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It can be: to wrap is to encase, or enfold, as by folding around.

The word wrap can also be a noun (e.g. bubble wrap, plastic wrap).

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