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Q: 'Peanuts' was a comic strip written and drawn by which cartoonist?
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Related questions

How were early comic strips made by cartoonist?

They were drawn by hand, and a lot of times, still are. the greatest cartoonist use these methods.

How is Peanuts produced?

The comic strip is hand drawn then printed.

Who is the cartoonist who wrote family circus?

Family Circus was drawn by cartoonist Bill Keane and currently written, inked, and coloured by his son, Jeff Keane.

Who is the author of Oor Wullie and the Broons?

The author of Oor Wullie and The Broons is Dudley D. Watkins, a Scottish cartoonist who created the popular comic strips in the Sunday Post newspaper.

Schroeder is a fictional character in which long running cartoon series?

Schroeder is the young pianist in the comic strip Peanuts drawn and written by Charles Schultz. Some of the other characters are Linus, Lucy and of course Snoopy.

Who wrote the comic strip 'Snoopy'?

The comic strip 'Snoopy' is part of the comic strip 'Peanuts,' which was created by Charles M. Schulz. He wrote and illustrated the comic strip, which features characters like Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and Lucy.

Who draws Garfield?

Garfield is drawn by cartoonist Jim Davis, who created the character in 1978. Davis continues to write and illustrate the Garfield comic strip to this day.

How many Peanuts comic strips were drawn?

The Peanuts comic strip, created by Charles Schulz, ran for 50 years from October 2, 1950 to February 13, 2000. Over that time, Schulz drew a total of 17,897 strips.

Who draws a comic strip For Better or For Worse?

The comic strip "For Better or For Worse" was drawn by cartoonist Lynn Johnston. She created the strip in 1979 and it followed the lives of the Patterson family. The strip ran for over 30 years, reflecting the changing times and family dynamics.

Why can't cartoon's be real?

Because the characters are not real, but are animations drawn by a cartoonist.

Who wrote the song 'Snoopy vs the Red Baron'?

Inspired by the Peanuts comic strip written and drawn by Charles Schulz, 'Snoopy vs the Red Baron' was written by Phil Gernhard and Dick Holler and recorded in the year 1966. Phil Gernhard and Dick Holler were part of the pop group, The Royal Guardsmen, based in Florida.

Are there cartoon or comic character's named Digger?

Digger is the main character of the comic of the same name, written and drawn by Ursula Vernon. Her full name is "Digger-Of-Unnecessarily-Convoluted-Tunnels," but that's kind of a mouthful. You can find the comic at