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Q: -40 degrees centagrate if how much fahr4enheit?
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40 degrees F equals how much in C?

40 degrees Fahrenheit = 4.4 degrees Celsius.

How much is plus 40 C in F?

40 degrees Celsius is 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

How much is -40F in degrees celsius?

Was that on purpose? Because it just so happens that -40 is where the two meet! -40 degrees Celsius = -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Was that on purpose? Because it just so happens that -40 is where the two meet! -40 degrees Celsius = -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is 80 degrees north closer to the equator than is 40 degrees south?

No, 80 degrees N is not closer to the equator than 40 degrees SNo. 40 North is the same distance as 40 South, so 80 North is much further.

What is -40 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees celsius?

(-40) degrees Fahrenheit = (-40) degrees Celsius.

What is the third angle of a triangle that has 100 degrees and 40 degrees?

180 degrees - 100 degrees - 40 degrees = 40 degrees

What is negative 40 degrees fahrenheit in celsius?

Its the same, -40 degrees Fahrenheit = -40 degrees Celsius.

What is 40 degrees celsius in degrees fehrenhit?

- 40 degrees

What is -40 degrees celsius in Fahrenheit degrees?

It is also -40-40 degrees Celsius equals - 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Easy to remember.

What does -40 degrees celsius equal to somthing degrees fahrenheit?

-40 degrees Celsius is -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is minus 40 degrees expressed as degrees centigrade?

-40 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -40 degrees Celsius.

What temperature is cooler 40 degrees Fahrenheit or 40 degrees celsius?

40 degrees fahrenheit 40 degrees celsius is way higher then it is fahrenheit.