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Pai or Papai. (papaizinho, velho, (tenderly)

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Q: -how do you say father in Portuguese?
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How do you say padrinho in Portuguese?

Padrinho - father-in-law.

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Como está o teu pai?

How do you say like father like son in Portuguese?

Tal Pai, Tal Filho.

How do you say Santa Claus in portuguese?

It is Papai Noel. Also, Pai Natal (Father Christmas).

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to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'

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"Yes" in Portuguese is "sim".

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"Fuzzy"-and yes, this is the way to say it in Portuguese

How do you say 'Father Christmas' in Portuguese?

The Portuguese equivalent of the English phrase 'Father Christmas' is the following: Papai Noel. The Portuguese pronunciation is the following: puh-PEYE* noh-EHL. The sound of the Portuguese 'ai' in 'Papai' is similar to the way the word 'eye' is pronounced in English. The word-by-word translation is the following: 'papai' means 'dad', 'daddy', or 'papa'; and 'Noel' means 'Christmas'.

What do turkey's say in Portuguese?

they say gobble gobble in English but portuguese idk about that!AnswerThey say 'glu glu'

How do you spell ' father ' in Portuguese?

'Father' in Portuguese is spelled "pai."