

Best Answer

this is a riddle!!

i'm a thing, yeachers hate me, cows like me, monkeys eat me.....

i'm a 9 letter word _0 _ _ m_ _ y _.

its a challenge!

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Q: -o--m--y- what are the missing letters?
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The word is deflects; the missing letters are Fand C.

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An apostrophe "stands in" for missing letters in a contraction. o'clock is a contraction of "of the clock" and the apostrophe indicates the missing letters.

What are the missing letters to make a word from de--le--ts?

The missing letters F and C make the word deflects.

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No letters are missing from the Italian alphabet. Italian has all the letters it needs. But if you asking what letters appear in English that do not appear in Italian, they are: J,k,w,x,and y.

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I and U are missing from the Elizabethan alphabet.



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Why do you use an apostrophe?

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-t - a - s - fill in the missing letters?

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