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Q: . What can a baby do up until 7 months that an adult cannot?
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How many years does a bunny last being a baby?

A rabbit will have grown out of his or her baby looks by 6 months, and can be spayed/neutered and vaccinated after around 3 months. However they are not fully adult until around 18 months.

How many years growth of baby to an adult?

4 months

How many years does a baby rabbit turn into an adult rabbit?

If u are asking when does a baby rabbit turn into an adult it's at 6 months

Is it possible for a 4 months old fetus to move?

Yes the baby moves, usually because it is so small you cannot feel it until about five months, but every pregnancy is different.

How long does it take a baby tetra to become an adult?

6-9 months

Which Baby food recipes with radish for 5 months age?

Babies aren't supposed to have baby food until 6 months of age anyway. I did start my son at 5 months on baby cereals and waited until 6 months old to try baby food. Radishes aren't one of the first foods to introduce and should wait until around 8 months old to introduce.

How many months until a baby is ready to be born?

The baby grows in the mother's womb for nine months before it is ready to be born.

Baby teeth fallen out its been months and no adult tooth is growing in its place?

One dentist's website said it can be 6 months or more before the adult tooth comes in.

What is the age when baby guinea pigs start to become adult?

A guinea pig becomes an adolescent between the ages of three to eight months, and it's considered an adult at nine months.

What does a baby giraffe eat?

A baby giraffe drinks milk form its mother for about 4 to 6 months, after that its mother helps it get leaves, or it will probably be able to get leaves on its own.

Does the baby kangaroo stay in the mothers pouch until its an adult?

Not until adulthood, only until it's self-sufficient.

Can a 9 weeks old and a 7-9 months old hamster mate?

no the baby cannot yet you have to wiat until its at least 3 months old but yes the older oone can once the younger one is 3 months then go right ahead