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The British took over New Amsterdam and named it New York after the Duke of York who was given the land by the king.

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Cristian Rutherford

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Q: . What caused the end of the Dutch colony in North America?
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What was the origin of the New Netherlands colony?

It was a Dutch colony in North America.

The colony first settled in North America by the Dutch was?

New Netherlands.

Where did the dutch establish a colony in north America as a result of Henry Hudson's voyages?

new netherland

What did the dutch name their colony in north america?

Nieuw Amsterdam (nieuw=new) (now New York, Manhattan)

What colony did the dutch possess in north America?

The New Netherlands colony in North America stretched from Delaware to Cape Cod in what are now the modern US States of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Connecticut, with outposts in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. The capital of the Dutch colony was New Amsterdam, at the tip of the island of Manhattan, which after being taken over by the British was renamed New York.

Are Patroons poor Dutch settlers?

a patroon was a rich landholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherlands in North America.

Which five countries did the Netherlands colonize?

Indonesia was an important Dutch colony in Southeast Asia. New York was an important colony in North America. South Africa was an important colony in Africa. Suriname and parts of Brazil were important colonies in South America.

Which colony in north America was a dutch colony?

Dutch settlement in the Americas started in 1613. From then on a number of villages, including New Amsterdam on the East Coast, which would become the future world metropolis of New York City, were established by Dutch immigrants

The short-lived colony conquered by the Dutch new netherland in 1655 was?

The short-lived colony conquered by the Dutch in New Netherland in 1655 was New Sweden. New Sweden was founded by the Swedes and the Dutch took control of it in 1655 to expand their territorial holdings in North America.

Where did the French and dutch set up their first Americans colonies?

In North America,

What was one of France's colonies?

Pymouth was one of the many English colonies that settled in the North America's and in my opinion, the best French and Dutch colony ever.

Why did the Dutch want to start a colony in the Americas?

The Dutch understood the wealth that came with establishing a colony on the east coast of North America. They knew that they could develop a fur trading post with the New Amsterdam port town they created which is now New York City.