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For the problem in "18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul" when clicking on "Manage drivers" freezes the game, there are many suggestions out there such as "Check video drivers" and "re-install the game", but in my case none of these solved the problem.

After further investigation, I have found the problem is caused by the following:- If you click on "Manage Drivers" between 12:00am and 12:59am in-game time it always crashes. This appears to be because the driver's log data for that day does not get created until 1:00am in-game time.

So the workaround is, if the in-game is between 12:00am and 12:59am then you must use the notebook to advance time by just one hour. Once the in-game time has gone past 1am, you will find that you can then enter "Manage Drivers" without it crashing the entire game. This is because at least one hour of log data exists and the "driver's log" graph for the current day can be generated without causing a crash.

Would be nice to see a patch for this. :)

I hope that helps somebody!

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Q: 18 Wheels of Steel American Long Haul manage drivers always crashes?
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