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6 volt positive ground is the answer!!!!!!!!

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Q: 1952 dodge hal ton truck is it a positive or negative ground?
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Is a 1994 Chev truck have a positive or negative ground?

Negative ground.

Do 1949 dodge pickups have positive ground?

If the 49 dodge truck is still on it's original 6 volt electrical system it is positive ground. All 6 volt auto systems are/were positive ground. All 12 volt systems are negative ground.

1950 Chevy truck is it a positive or negative ground?

negetive ground

Is my 1949 truck 6 volt or 12 volt?

If your 1949 truck is a CHEVY or GMC and it still has the original electrical system, it would be 6 volt, negative ground. If it is a Dodge or a Ford with the oringinal electrical system it would be 6 volt, positive ground.

Proper hook up of jumper cables to a semi truck?

Depends on what year it's from. On an older truck, hook the positive to a positive battery post, hook the ground to a bolt which goes through the chassis. On a newer truck, which is apt to having chassis-mounted electronics, put the ground to the negative battery terminal.

How do you connect two twelve volt batteries for a truck?

Assuming the truck has a 12 volt system, connect the batteries in parallel, that is positive to positive and negative to negative.

A truck semi uses 12v battery or 24v?

most semi truck in u.s.a. are 12 volt system. usually 4 12v batterys wire to get enough amps to crank engine. some older trucks were positive ground systems, most are now negative ground.

Show a Wiring diagram for 2x12 volt batteries in series?

No, but I'll tell you how to do it... Put the two batteries in the truck. Call them "1" and "2." Hook the positive cable from the truck to the positive of battery 1, the negative cable from the truck to the negative of battery 2, and the series-wiring cable (it's about a foot long, and it's got a battery clamp at both ends) between the negative on battery 1 and the positive on battery 2.

What are the positive and negative impacts of the airplane?

A positive impact of airplanes is that we can ship goods from place to place, rather than using a boat or a truck. A negative impact on airplanes is the pollutants from their engines and the amount of wind they use.

Is a 1953 Chevy truck a positive groundhow do you tell?

No, only Ford used positive ground electrical systems,but your 53 is probably 6 volt.

Who invented the dodge truck?

The first Dodge truck was built by the Dodge brothers in the 1920's.

When was the Dodge truck invented?

The very first dodge truck was built about 1920