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Q: 19 what methods has led to the most discoveries of massive planets orbiting near their parent stars?
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Is our sun the only star that has planets orbiting around it?

No. Other stars have been found to have planets orbiting them.

Is there evidence that there are other planets orbiting other stars?

Yes, there is. There is evidence of over 300 "exo-planets", planets that are orbiting other stars. Because the pull of gravity goes both ways, it can be said that a sun orbits the planet in addition to the planet orbiting the sun. Because suns are much more massive than planets, the motion of the planet in its orbit is far greater than the motion of the star, but the stars DO "wiggle" a bit. This "wiggle" is sometimes detectable, especially if the planet is itself quite massive - like a "super-Jupiter". And sometimes, the planet passing in front of the star blocks a teeny bit of the starlight, causing the star to appear to be slightly less bright.

Do all the planets have smaller planets orbiting them?

No. Planets orbit suns, while moons orbit planets. Planets do not orbit planets.

Why is ganymede not a planet?

Because Ganymede is orbiting Jupiter whereas planets are orbiting the sun

Which object in your solar system is more than 700 times more massive than the eight planets combined?

The most massive object in most solar systems is the sun, which is the central star. Since stars differ in mass, and each star has something different orbiting it, most stars will be larger or smaller than 700x the mass of the bodies orbiting them. In the solar system of which Earth is a part, there are 18 planets, which all orbit the star Sol.

Related questions

What methods has led to the most discoveries of massive planets orbiting near their parent stars?

Detecting the gravitational effect of an orbiting planet by looking for the Doppler shifts in the star's spectrum.

What are the most massive bodies orbiting the sun called?

Jupiter and Saturn. Or if you mean in general, planets.

Is the universe the sun centered?

Our solar system and all the planets and asteroid that surround it are orbiting the sun as the sun's mass attracts them to it through the force of gravity. The Universe however is not.The galaxy, is centered around a "super massive black hole" according to some scientific discoveries.

Where are the planets found?

Orbiting stars. We know of eight planets orbiting our Sun, and we know of over 300 planets orbiting other stars.

Are there ant planets orbiting gemni?

There may be planets orbiting stars in the constellation Gemini, but planets do not orbit whole constellations.

What is a series of planets orbiting a star?

A series of planets orbiting a star is called a Solar System

Difference between a solar system and a gaiaxy?

In a solar system you find a few planets orbiting a star. In a galaxy you find billions of stars orbiting a galactic nucleus (probably a super massive black hole).

More massive planets have more satellites why?

More massive planets have more gravitational pull. If a satellite were to pass by Earth and Jupiter at the same distance from each planet, the satellite would be more attracted to start orbiting Jupiter because of its pull. The more massive a planet is the more likely it is to get a satellite to orbit it.

How do astronomers discover planets orbiting stars other than the sun?

Several methods are used. In many cases - perhaps most cases - the planets are discovered due to their gravitational effect on the star. That is, the star "wobbles" due to the gravitational pull of nearby planets, especially if the planets are very massive (planets more massive, "heavier" in popular language, than Jupiter, are easiest to detect), and close to the star. In some very specific cases, the planet may go right in front of the star, and make it become slightly dimmer once every orbit.

Planets without solar systems are called?

Planets not orbiting a star but instead orbiting the galactic center are referred to as rogue planets, or nomadic or interstellar planets.

Is our sun the only star that has planets orbiting around it?

No. Other stars have been found to have planets orbiting them.

What planets are there around the Earth?

There are no planets orbiting Earth.