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Jupiter and Saturn.

Or if you mean in general, planets.

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Q: What are the most massive bodies orbiting the sun called?
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Which object in your solar system is more than 700 times more massive than the eight planets combined?

The most massive object in most solar systems is the sun, which is the central star. Since stars differ in mass, and each star has something different orbiting it, most stars will be larger or smaller than 700x the mass of the bodies orbiting them. In the solar system of which Earth is a part, there are 18 planets, which all orbit the star Sol.

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Detecting the gravitational effect of an orbiting planet by looking for the Doppler shifts in the star's spectrum.

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Pluto is the largest object in the Kuiper belt, and the tenth-most-massive body observed directly orbiting the Sun. It is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet, after Eris.

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The inclusion of some alternative methods is required to allow an answer to be written.

What is the largest of the bodies that orbit the sun?

Jupiter is both the most massive and the largest of those objects.

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Planets are large bodies of gas or rock orbiting around a star. Stats graph data, such as who liked what most at a restaurant.

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Most state legislative bodies are referred to as parliament. In some cases they may be called the legislature or house of representatives.

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Correct. The Moon is the Earth's only natural satellite, contrary to most planets in out Solar System that normally have multiple celestial bodies [moons] orbiting them.

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Saturn does

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Within a binary star system, the most massive star is called the primary star, whereas the least massive star is called the secondary star. See related question.

What is the difference between a galaxy and a pulsar?

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Most stars are grouped together in huge bodies called?

Solar system