

1 GB equals how many KB?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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12y ago

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1mb = 1024kb and there are 1024 mb in a Gb. So in all there are 1,048,576 kb/GB

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12y ago

It equals 100 kb.

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1024 kb make 1 Mb 1024 MB make 1 Gb

How many KB ar in 1 GB?

There are 1,048,576 KB in a GB. If you know the following you can just do the math whenever needed: 8 bits = 1 Byte 1024 B = 1 KiloByte 1024 KiloBytes = 1 MegaByte 1024 MegaBytes = 1 GigaByte 1024 GigaBytes = 1 TeraBytes

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1000 kb equals i mb and 1000mb equals 1 gb

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u shud specify what is 5120?is it KB or Mb.if it is 5120MB then 5GB if it is 5120kb then it is (5/1024)GB

How much does 1024 gb equal to?

If you are using a mb that equals 1024 kb and a kb that equals 1024 bytes, then you have 0.0009765625 mb, you could also say 1 kb.If you are using a mb that equals 1000 kb and a kb that equals 1000 bytes, then you have 0.001024 mb, you could also say 1.024 kb.

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1/10 of a gig 1,000,000 kb to the gig

How many GB is 1332 mb?

it takes 1024 b to equal 1 kb.... 1024 kb to equal 1 mb.....1024 mb to equal 1 gb......1024 gb to equal 1 to answer your question, 1322834 kb is equal to 1291.8 mb which is about a 1 1/4 gb.

How many KB are in 1 GB usb?

1000 KB in 1 MB, 1000 MB = 1 GB Answer: 1,000,000 ( 1 million KB's)

How many KB is is 1 GB?

1 gigabyte = 1 048 576 kilobytes

How many bytes do you have?

That depends. Given that the average hard drive is 500 GB, you have approximately 536,870,912,000 bytes of storage on your computer. This diesn't include the amount of space taken by your OS or other necessary program files. 1024 bytes equals 1 KB 1024 KB equals 1 MB 1024 MB equals 1 GB 1024 GB equals 1 TB

How many KB is 7998 in gb?

1000 kb = 1 mb, 1000 mb = 1 gb. 8000 kb = 8 mb = 0 gb.