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Q: 1 What conditions must exist in order for fossils to form?
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What conditions must exist for most fossils to form?

You have to have the dead remains buried quickly and then never distroyed

Fossils can only form when?

Fossils can only form when the conditions are right. These conditions are in a sedimentary layer of the earth which are able to preserve soft and hard parts of the item.

Two conditions necessary for fossils to form?

well in your body there are made up of fossils as fossils are formed in hot places and your body is very warm

Do all rocks contain fossils explain the conditions necessary for fossils to form?

nopee.. and the conditions are that the organism has to be buried quickly, hidden from scavengers. and another condition is if they have hard parts they are preserved better.

When did lions exist?

They always have existed. They exist even today.

What do most fossils form in?

Most fossils form in Sedimentary Rock.

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What conditions make impression fossils form?

The best preservation and fossilization of fossils occurs in calm,aquatic environment.Exceptional preservation also occurs in fine-grained sediments in absence of oxygen.Both this environmental conditions allow easier formation of impression of trapped fossil plant of animal.Impression mainly form from fossils plants and animals that are later decomposed leaving their image shape on the country rock at the time.CONDITIONSWet conditionfine grained country rockaerobic condition that favor decomposition of the fossils leaving behind impression

Should water exist?

Water must exist in order for any form of life to live on earth.

Does lamprophyre form fossils?

A lamprophyre is a type of ultramafic intrusive igneous rock. It is very rare for fossils to be formed in igneous rocks (and they usually only form as mold fossils in extrusive deposits). As such fossils will not form in lamprophyres.

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What conditions must exist for a glacier to form?

Glaciers form in areas where more snow falls in winter than can melt during the summer.