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Q: 1 inch hair growth every 3 months?
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Fast hair growth?

Do not trim your hair every month! although a lot of people say this helps with growth it does not! trim your hair every 6 months, that way it has had time to actually grow as your hair grows about half an inch every month and 6 inches every year. only trim your hair if completely needed!

How long should your hair be in 5 months?

Your hair will grow about five inches in five months. Hair generally grows about an inch to an inch and a half every month.

Does turning you head upside down help hair growth?

No you cant make your hair grow.It does it naturally.If you want your hair to be long every 4 months cut only a inch of (dead ends) so that it can grow better.Make sure you wash your hair every other day to keep it nice__________________Actually, hair should be trimmed every 8 weeks for it to be healthy and grow quickly.

Wil hair grow if you cut hair every month?

minimum hair growth is half an inch per month if u cut half an inch pre month in the sense it maintains same length

How long weed stay in your hair?

However long your hair is, that is how far back they can test it for THC. Hair grows about 1/2 inch every month, so it is safe to say that with one inch hair, you can be tested back to 2 months.

Does cutting hair help pass a drug test?

yes , for example (and this is about it) if your hair was 2 inches long and you had use 2 months ago and cut your hair to .75 inch then it would only show 45 days .

Can you pass a five panel hair test if you have taken codeine 2 months ago?

No hair test go back 90 days for every 1/2 inch of hair.

What if your hair being an inch that should go back three months?

The hair test go back up to 90 days and it takes about a half inch of hair for every 1 month of usage.They need 1-1.5 inches and they will get hair from somewhere else.

How long does your hair grow in 2 months?

about an inch

Does hair color effect hair growth?

No it doesnt your hair will grow about 1/2 inch a month

How long does it take for a hair to grow 1 inch?

It will take approximately 2 months for hair to grow 1 inch.

If you have hair that is close cropped but not buzzed and the tips of your ears are just about covered how long will your hair grow in three months?

hair grows about half an inch per month.some say taking a supplement of kelp or brewers yeast stimulates the speed of hair growth.