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i was in your shoes about a year ago , what you need tell your parents. if not a close friend but make sure its one that you can trust otherwise your secret will be out before you get to tell your mum and dad do u want to keep it?. if so you need to go to a clinic and get some support with it ! am 15 i had my child at 14 . love her so much but at the smae time why should a babys life get ruined because of your stupidity i didnt tell my mum until 2 days before my labour she was dissapointed but still happy that i told her ! a know what you'l be thinking she talks rubbish lol youre no even aloud to swear on this or talk slang anywey good luck Jayde :-) x Don't worry everything will be okay. My advise to you is not to have a abortion becaues you will regret it in the long ran. It might like the only choose you have now but there are a lot of things that you could do like if you really don't want the child give it up for adoption. If you have all the support and love you need then there will be no problems. Your school live I'm sure that you could carry on with your schooling if you wanted to, I would say after you had your baby go finish school so you can support your baby and yourself in the future

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Q: 1m 14 i think am pregnant but me and the babys dad have fell out - not had my periods ballys sore sickness and its beginning to get bloated a bit help?
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