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Could be a tire out of balance. If it is an All wheel Drive then most likely the hanger bearing has failed and broken.......This is the bearing that holds the rear drive shaft in place

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Could you collect rocks from Saturn?

No, Saturn is too far away to get to. We could barely reach Mars as it is. Saturn is a gas giant, so it has no rocks, other than the ones in its rings, but you can't possibly get to Saturn.

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How big was Saturn when Saturn was discovered?

Saturn is one of the classical planets known since antiquity. Our distant ancestors could see Saturn floating in the sky, but had no idea what it was or how massive it was. In the past several thousand years, we're not aware that Saturn's size or mass have changed significantly to reach its current value.

What weather occurs on Saturn?

The weather on Saturn is extremely cold. The temperatures reach from -150 degrees C to -93 degrees C. If you reach the high clouds of Saturn, that it where it is the coldest. Also the major gases on Saturn are Hydrogen and Helium.

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Yes you can reach the moon, if you have a rocket as powerful as Saturn 5.

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Has there ever been a space mission to reach Saturn?

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Saturn has the hottest temperatures at the center of the planet with temperatures that can reach 20,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The coldest temperature occurs in the outer layers of Saturn's atmosphere and they can reach minus 238 degrees Fahrenheit.

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It can reach up to 140 degrees Celsius

How long does it take to get to Saturn with a space shuttle?

How long it takes to get to Saturn depends on which route the shuttle takes. Generally, it can take between six and nine years to reach Saturn.