

Best Answer

1.whats your favorite sports team?

2. what do u like in me? you like anybod right now?

ask them and them if he is in a good mood poke him and them whisper your it! then run and laugh. if he catchs you say our really good at sports. then say i really like you. if he says it back ask him out!

Um i believe they asked for 20 questions...not three... learn to count.

1.) who was your first crush

2.) why did you like her

3.) whats your middle name?

4.) who do you admire

5.) what is your first/ favorite memory?

and yea

well thats only 8 a;ll together here is some

1. What's his fave color?

2.what's your fave number?

3. have you had a girlfriend before?

4.have you had your first kiss yet? you like me as a friend or as more?

6.would you like to hang out with me? you have any siblings?

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13y ago
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6y ago

If you're shy and don't know how to talk to guys, it helps to have a general idea what kind of books, movies, music, and activities he likes. Then you can ask him about specific musicians, movies, or writers.

If you don't know anything, ask him if he likes the artists or sports you like.

Here are some other questions you could ask:

  • What sports have you played?
  • Do you get along with your family?
  • Do you have any siblings?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • How do you like school?
  • How do you like your teachers?
  • How do you like your classmates?
  • How do you feel about the environment?
  • How do you feel about animal rights?
  • Where did your family go for vacations in the summer?
  • What jobs do your parents do?
  • What did you call your grandparents?
  • Do you have posters up on your room walls?
  • Do you still have tonsils?
  • Which do you like better - Coke or Pepsi?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you had a lot of money, where would we go on vacation?
  • What are your major goals in life?
  • If you could get three wishes what would they be? Why?
  • What's your dream job?
  • If you could change your name, would you leave it or change it?
  • What is a super power you'd want to get?

If you want to do something with him, ask him if he plans to see a movie you want to see and then ask him if he wants to go together. Then you can talk about the movie. Or ask him if he knows how to fish, bowl, use a bow and arrow, or whatever random thing you don't know how to do. Then ask him if he will teach you. Or, just ask him to tell you the history assignment and ask if he wants to study together.

One thing to remember when you are talking to a guy whether its over the phone or in person is to BE YOURSELF!

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14y ago
  • "What exactly is your idea of 'your type of girl'."
  • "What's your biggest turn on?"
  • "What's the one thing you would do, if you were able to do it?"
  • "Have you ever had any strong feelings for anyone before?"
  • "Do you see yourself committing to anyone?"
  • Who's your most loyal friend?" or "Do you consider us to be really good friends?"
  • "Do you see yourself falling in love?"
  • "Are you a faithful kind of person?"
  • "Can I trust you with my secrets?"
  • "I like you enough to ask you to go out with me. Do you like me enough to say
    • "If you could have one superpower, what would it be?"
    • "What do you like watching the most on television?"
    • "Who's played the most influential part in your life?"
    • "Who or which band do you like listening to, the most?"
    • "Which movie would you like to watch again and again?"
    • "I like talking to handsome guys, do you share the same sentiment for hot girls?"
    • "What talent would you like to show me today?"
    • What's the bravest things you've ever done? For me it's coming to talk to you.
    • "I am an extrovert, what about you?"
    • "You're cute, do you think we can hit it off?"
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14y ago

So... u should find out what u two have in common. Likes and dislikes etc... Smile and him/her alot and be friendly. Ask questions that aren't too personal. When you're around him/her bring up a subject that u both like talking about.

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12y ago

you should try to get to know him more. ask him what he likes to do or what kind of sports he plays something you want to know about him. tell him you guys should hangout sometime. stay calm and act normal. dont dress nice just for him, or put on extra makeup he'd want to know the real you. be yourself.

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12y ago

that is a trick question, the only question you should ask him is, " another beer?"

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Q: 20 questions to ask a guy you want to get to know?
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ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. or ask him questions to get to know him better.

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That depends what you want to know about them that you already don't. Keep it simple as most guys are not into "deep".

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you only need one... "Do you want a blowjob?"

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In my opinion if you are in love or really like that guy you should ask questions related to what he believes, what he thinks, what he likes, for you to be able to know if you have any future to really get to know each other.

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It means you know you want me if that's not the answer ask a boy

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Ask them...

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Don't ask him if you can know him better. There are better ways to find out stuff. Ask him crazy questions about him that you can come up with. If you need help with that, you can probably do a google search on conversation questions.

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He want's to know if you get angry easily.

I want to play the 20 questions game with a guy how shouldni start it and what should i ask?

Start with questions like, "WHat's your favorite color" or "what's your favorite food," then spring random quetions to make them laugh. Then ask the questions that you really want answers to.

What do you do if you like a boy in your class and you want know if he likes you to?

Well you can go about it a few ways, if your confident enough(which i hope you are) you can ask him, which i know is scary and hard, so if your not okay with that then you could have one of your friends ask him like have them just start a conversation about something and bring you up in it and have her/him ask the guy questions about you, or if you are friends with one of his guy friends you can have him ask his as well. Good luck:)

If you like a guy and you want to know if he likes you how would you ask him?

dont be shy and ask him if he likes you?