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Your BMI is 33.1

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Q: 217 pounds and height of 5' 8 what is my bmi?
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Is it healthy weighing 180 pounds with height 5 '5 at age 13?

No not really. At your age and height, assuming you have a high BMI, you probably should not be weighing more than 140-150 pounds max.

Is 118 pounds underweight for 5' 6?

No, the BMI for this height and weight is 19,0 which is between 18,5 and 25 - normal weight.

If you are 5' 3 and weight 225 lbs is this overweight?

No. You have a BMI of 21.3.BMI Categories:Underweight =

Since humans are 3 dimensional why is BMI based on the square of height rather than the cube?

Body Mass Index is determined by your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches. For example: A person 5 feet tall (60 inches) and weighing 200 pounds has a BMI of 33. Borderline obese.

What is my BMI i am 100 pounds ten and 5' tall?

You would have a BMI of 19.5. You can figure this out by dividing your weight by your height in inches, then taking that number and dividing it by your height again. Next, you would multiply that answer by 705, giving you your final BMI.

If you are 10 and weight 120 pounds am i over weight?

It depends on your height. My daughter is 130 lbs and is 8, but she is over 5 feet tall.. all about bmi (weight compared to height) and even if your bmi is high at 120 and your 10, youll probably grow into the weight.

Are 111 pounds and 5' 3 and one half inches a normal weight and height for a 13-year-old?

Yes it is normal. your bmi is 19.7 which is healthy.

Is being 85 pounds and a 13 year old girl underweight at 5 feet?

83 pounds for a 14 year old girl who stands 5 feet tall is underweight. A healthy weight for this height is between 97 pounds and 123 pounds.

Your 12 years old and a girl your height is 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 90 pounds and are you underweight?

yes.... you can check your bmi and it is under 21 which means you are underweight

Are you overweight if you are 5' and weigh 120 pounds?

Bmi = 23.4 so no

Is a 13 year old girl fat if she is 130-135 pounds?

It depends on your height, say for example if you are 13 years old, 130 pounds and 5'4 ... then yes it is healthy weight. If you are below 5 foot and 4 inches height and weight 130 pounds, it is already an unhealthy weight.

Is weighing 140 pounds overweight for 5'7 feet tall?

According to the bmi (body mass index) Height: 5 feet, 7 inches Weight: 140 pounds Your BMI is 21.9, indicating your weight is in the Healthy category for adults of your height. For your height, a healthy weight range would be from 118 to 159 pounds. Also keep in mind that muscle weighs more then fat