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Dimmesdale persuades Governor Bellingham and Mr. Wilson that Hester should ... The minister argues that Pearl will keep Hester from the powers of darkness. ... friend gives him the opportunity to apply psychological pressure on the minister.

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Pearl resents Dimmesdale because she can sense his connection to her mother's shame. She threatens to tell his secret as a way to assert her power and to expose the falsehoods of the community's judgment. This confrontation challenges Dimmesdale to confront his own hypocrisy and face the consequences of his actions.

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Q: 2 Pearl resents Dimmesdale and threatens to tell his secret?
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What discovery does chillingworth make when dimmesdale fell into a deep deep slumber?

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Some of the clues that Dimmesdale is Pearl's father include their physical resemblance, Pearl's strong connection and recognition of Dimmesdale, Dimmesdale's guilt and emotional reaction towards Pearl, and hints dropped by other characters such as Hester and Chillingworth. The reveal is confirmed towards the end of the novel by both Hester and Dimmesdale.

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Who joins dimmesdale in his vigil?

Hester Prynne joins Dimmesdale in his vigil on the scaffold, holding hands with him as they watch the procession go by. Pearl also ends up joining them, refusing to leave Dimmesdale's side.

Who is Chillingworth's main suspect and victim?

Chillingworth's main suspect is Reverend Dimmesdale, whom he believes is Hester Prynne's secret lover and the father of her child. Chillingworth manipulates Dimmesdale's guilt to torment him throughout the novel, making him his victim in a psychological sense.

What is the link that forever binds Hester to Arthur Dimmesdale?

The link that forever binds Hester to Arthur Dimmesdale in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" is their shared secret of their affair and the daughter, Pearl, born from it. They carry the weight of their sin and guilt, which shapes their identities and relationships throughout the story.

What discovery does Chillingworth make when Dimmesdale fell into a deep deep slumber in The Scarlet Letter?

Chillingworth discovers a mark on Dimmesdale's chest, leading him to believe that Dimmesdale is hiding a secret sin related to the mark. This discovery fuels Chillingworth's suspicion that Dimmesdale is the father of Hester Prynne's child.

Why does Hester feel she is to blame for Dimmesdales poor condition?

Hester feels responsible for Dimmesdale's poor condition because she believes her decision to keep his identity as Pearl's father a secret contributed to his suffering. She believes that had she revealed the truth earlier, Dimmesdale may have found relief from his guilt and despair sooner. Hester bears the burden of their shared secret and feels responsible for the consequences that Dimmesdale endures.

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Hester hopes to save Dimmesdale from the torment and manipulation of Chillingworth by revealing the truth about Chillingworth's identity as her husband. She believes that by knowing the truth, Dimmesdale can free himself from Chillingworth's control and find peace.

What chapter does Pearl wash off Dimmesdale's kiss?

Pearl washes off Dimmesdale's kiss in Chapter 19 of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter." This moment represents Pearl's rejection of Dimmesdale as her father and her understanding of the shame associated with the sin he carries.