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Q: 2 The primary method for controlling asthma involves taking drugs - inhaled and oral?
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What is another name for asthma?

Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma. Psychological is a attempt portion which a very inhaled and cause diseases like asthma.

What are Inhaled Corticosteroids used for?

Inhaled corticosteriods are steroids that are inhaled which help to treat asthma. They are anti-inflammatory medication which improves the control of asthma, reducing coughing for example.

What is an adranergic bronchodialator?

Adrenergic bronchodilators are the inhaled medicines which assist in the opening up the air passages. They treat asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Why were the dried leaves crushed then lit and the smoke inhaled by asthma sufferers?

They shouldn't. Asthma sufferers, more than anyone else, should not smoke. It can exacerbate their asthma and even send them into an attack that may need hospitalization.

What does the company Pulmacort specialize in?

Pulmacort isn't a company but a chemical used in the treatment for asthma, usually inhaled via pumps which are prescribed by a doctor to be used when the patient is short of breathe or having an asthma attack.

how do you control asthma attacks at home with just home remadys?

You can control asthma attacks at home by taking treatment of your symptoms involves avoiding things that cause asthma attacks that is the best way to overcome asthma attack is through home remedies.

Is intal inhaler a bronchodilator?

No, the Intal inhaler is not a bronchodilator. It is a cromolyn sodium inhalation aerosol which is an inhaled anti-inflammatory agent for the preventive management of asthma.

Are they ways of treating asthma without medication?

Ways for treating asthma without medications Go for YOGA - doing alom vilom can treat the asthma pattern of doing it close one of your nostril and inhale from other and then leave the inhaled air from the first by opening it and simultaneously shutting the other one. Repeate this act constantly.

Can you still become a primary school teacher if you have asthma?

Yes. Because primary schools are breeding grounds for the flu and common cold, a person with asthma would likely need to be more conscious of germs, but it would not necessarily affect their ability to teach.

What does it mean if you have an athsma attack during sex?

It means you have exercise-induced asthma. It's not a sexual side effect as far as I know, so just take your inhaled before you start.

Mary age 10 has asthma and her parents bought a high air frequency filter for her bedroom This represents which level of prevention Primary secondary or tertiary?


Can you have 1 lung affected by asmtha while the other lung is clear.?

It's rare but possible. Most asthma is resulant from stress or alergic reaction. However, whatever causes reduction in the size of the bronchi may be called asthma. So a condtion where, for instance, something is inhaled into one lung only, and causes irritation could inflame the bronchi and cause asthma-like symptoms.